On Fri, 25 Mar 2011 22:19:08 -0400
Nick Dokos <nicholas.do...@hp.com> wrote:

> [I sound like a broken record]

I saw your response but forgot to comment about it.

> I use fetchmail and postfix. They run in the background dealing with
> incoming and outgoing mail resp. - as far as emacs is concerned, all
> mail is local.

I have tried that too but unsuccessfully, my understanding of mail
servers and email protocols are rather limited. I use several emails
accounts on markedly different email systems (GMail, Zimbra, some kind
of M$ mail server). Trying to talk to all these simultaneously seemed
extremely difficult.

Also I often access email from multiple locations, home workstation,
university workstation and my laptop. Not sure how to deal with that. I
once tried OfflineImap but something came up before I could set it up
properly and I never had the time to get back to it. Maybe when I have
the time again.


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