After learning that I can output my Org documents (with tables,
outlined notes and all!) into LaTeX, I've started writing some notes
with the intention of exporting them to LaTeX. So I've been typing
stuff like (sorry, I'm not sure about the standard for formatting code
for emails):

This equation does such and such:
  F_2(s) = \frac{r_1}{s+2} + \frac{r_2}{s+4} + \frac{r_3}{s+6},
And this equation is used to find...

This stuff outputs fine to tex files, but one thing I'd like is LaTeX
syntax highlighting for things like \begin{...}\frac{...}\end{}. I can
get highlighting in code source blocks, but that gets exported in
verbatim environments in the LaTeX output. If I want syntax
highlighting for these things, should I just be editing a standard
.tex file with the appropriate emacs mode, or is there a (hopefully
simple) way to turn on syntax highlighting for LaTeX elements in
standard org-mode?

Thank you

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