Suppose that you export the following document to HTML:

  * Heading 1
  ** Heading 2

The HTML structure is pretty much the following:

  div class=outline-2
    h2 Heading 1
    div class=outline-text-2
    div class=outline-3
      h3 Heading 2

Is there a way to apply a custom CSS class to the:

 1. containing div (outline-2)?
 2. heading itself (h2)?
 3. text inside of the heading (outline-3)?

Why? Suppose you have the following document

 * Heading 1
 ** Resources
 ** Answers
 * Heading 2
 ** Quiz 
 ** Resources
 ** Answers

You need to apply a different style to the Resources and
Quizzes. Unfortunately, these don't always appear in an
outline and they don't always appear in the same order. It
is infinitely easier to use a custom CSS class with each


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