Hi Bernt,

On Fri, Apr 1, 2011 at 22:31, Bernt Hansen <be...@norang.ca> wrote:
> Aankhen <aank...@gmail.com> writes:
>> Is there any command I can run to put into effect my
>> ‘org-log-into-drawer’ setting?  I recently changed it to ‘t’, but I
>> have a fair number of existing entries where it was ‘nil’, meaning
>> that the files as a whole look rather haphazardly organized.
>> Thanks,
>> Aankhen
> Hi Aankhen,
> There's not built-in function to accomplish this that I am aware of.
> This is a bit of a hack but it will probably get you the result you
> want.  If you set org-clock-into-drawer to the drawer than you want and
> set org-clock-out-remove-zero-time-clocks then you can visit each
> heading using some elisp code, clock in and immediately clock out the
> headline and it should create a drawer and wrap your existing data.
> I haven't actually done this... so YMMV.

Yes, that was my first thought when I enabled logging into a drawer,
as I thought I’d read about it working that way, but unfortunately it
doesn’t seem to. :-( I appreciate the suggestion though.


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