On Apr 5, 2011, at 9:56 AM, katepano wrote:

> thanks for the tip, this is true, but not entirely the same . . .

In what way is it not the same?  Of cause it is not the same because it
does preserve line breaks.  Why do you not like this solution as much?
I would argue that in fact it is a *much better* solution than a dumb
preserve-all-linebreaks setting because

  - it allows you to have normal text before and after the poem
  - it wraps the output into a paragraph with class "verse",
    so you can add CSS styling to it without changing
    other formatting
  - it is cleaner in every possible way.

- Carsten

> Katepano
> On 04/05/2011 10:52 AM, Christian Moe wrote:
>> You just need BEGIN_VERSE ... END_VERSE instead of _QUOTE.
>> cm
>> On 4/5/11 9:31 AM, katepano wrote:
>>> Actually it is very simple . . . it misses the <br /> at the end of
>>> the lines
>>> check the attachments (the song is in greek but I think will give you
>>> the idea)
>>> Katepano
>>> On 04/05/2011 10:18 AM, Jambunathan K wrote:
>>>> Hello
>>>>> First of all I need<#+OPTIONS: \n:t> because when I export an org
>>>>> file which has song lyrics in it I want to preserve the lines but
>>>>> accept css for nice printing (and singing afterwards).
>>>> Can you give an example of an org file, the html export as it is today,
>>>> the html export as you want it to be and may be the css file?
>>>> Jambunathan K.

- Carsten

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