On 05/04/11 16:31, Dror Atariah wrote:
Let me summarize the steps I carried out eventually, to use the package 
manager. Note, I am using emacs 23 based editor which was shipped with org-mode 

* Updating
Follow the steps:
** Intsall the package manager
*** Download the =packages.el= file from

Save in in =~/Library/elisp= for example.
*** Add the following code to the =.emacs=:
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp

(setq load-path (cons "~/Library/elisp" load-path))
(require 'package)


*** Verify
To verify this part, in /emacs/ hit =M-x list-packages RET org=. Here
you should see a list of optional packages. /Note:/ you may ignore the
warning: =failed to download org-mode archive=.
** Updating org-mode
*** Enter the =list-packages=
Hit =M-x list-packages RET=.

In there mark for installation by =i= the org package and the =x= for
the actual installation.
*** Restart emacs
*** Verify
Hit =M-x locate-library RET org= to verify the installation. You should now
have org-mode up and running.

Thank you all!

Glad you got it working. Thanks for posting the follow up to the list, which will probably help someone in future.


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