Carsten Dominik <> writes:

Thanks Carsten,

> I can see that it might be nice to simply add some text
> under the date headline in a date tree, in order to build
> up a long journal entry from little snippets.

Yes, this is exactly what I do over the course of the day and I find it
very useful.  The trouble I run into is that, all too often, I forget or
don't have time to add an entry on the day the noteworthy event
happened.  I use the agenda capture action (k c) in this situation since
the date I am on in the agenda is picked up automatically by the
template and the right date headline is created at the right place in
the journal.  Currently I have to then cut/paste the note, which is the
bit I was trying to avoid.

> However, you are trying to *mix* headline entries and plain entries
> under the same date node in the tree, and this seems to be impossible.

Sorry, my fault, the full version of journal template I currently use
ends up creating entries like:

*** 2011-04-06 Wednesday

    Try and clarify journal/note taking use case for Carsten
    [2011-04-06 Wed 10:03]

    Apologise for confusing Carsten as I don't actually use headline
    entries in the journal, plain only
    [2011-04-06 Wed 10:05]

> Wouldn't a better strategy be to have the "plain" section be started with a 
> time,

Well, as you see above I actually do like to have the time of the entry,
but the only way I thought I could do that was using the %U keyword in
the template (which is clumsy as it then duplicates the date/day).

> (the %<%H:%M> requires the current git release...)

... which, coincidently, seems to have appeared this morning :-)

That means I can use something like:

(setq org-capture-templates
      '(("e" "Journal entry" entry (file+datetree "/tmp/")
         "* %<%H:%M>\n  %?")
        ("l" "Journal late entry" entry (file+datetree "/tmp/")
         "* Retrospectively added %<%Y-%m-%d %H:%M>\n  %?")))

Used from an agenda action the retrospective date headline/notes are
created and filed in the right place, giving something like:

* 2011
** 2011-04 April
*** 2011-04-05 Tuesday
**** Retrospectively added 2011-04-06 11:35
     Checked with Bastien about committing doc string changes
*** 2011-04-06 Wednesday
**** 11:33
     Updated Org to latest version in order to get new capture keyword
     expansion capability
**** 11:36
     Problem solved. Brilliant, that works.  Carsten never ceases to

Thank you.


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