2011/4/5 Eric Schulte <schulte.e...@gmail.com>:
> Hi John,
> Interesting use case, I definitely see the utility.  I think that blocks
> may be an appropriate solution, for example if you enclose your notes in
> "notes" blocks, then it should be easy to control whether or not they
> are exported...

Definitely a candidate! Of all things, I had not thought about using
blocks for this.

> Using the following code, you can control whether notes enclosed in
> "notes" blcks will be exported by changing the value of the
> *export-my-notes* variable, when it is nil your notes will not be
> exported, when t they will be exported as quoted text.
> #+begin_src emacs-lisp
>  (defvar *export-my-notes* nil)
>  (defun org-exp-block-process-notes (body &rest headers)
>    (if *export-my-notes*
>        (format "\n#+begin_quote\n%s\n#+end_quote\n" body)
>        ""))
>  (org-export-blocks-add-block '(notes org-exp-block-process-notes nil))
> #+end_src

So, do I put my notes between the end of the (defun org-exp...) and

> Hope this Helps -- Eric
> This works for me with the attached Org-mode file.

I'm assuming I need to add your code above to the attached? As-is, it
export, but it just puts your "Notes on lorem" in between the two

Thanks for the suggestion!

> John Hendy <jw.he...@gmail.com> writes:
>> Hi,
>> One thing I really like to use orgmode for is research. Lately,
>> there's a mass of stuff on-line that I've been reading though and am
>> about to start reading through a series of articles and had the idea
>> to yank them into org for "inline notes."
>> My current experiment has been:
>> - wget the website page
>> - run a custom script of simple sed stuff to get the major stuff
>> converted (<i> & </i> -> /, &quote; -> ", etc.)
>> - turn things into headlines where applicable
>> - manually tweak the rest
>> What I'd like to do is find some way to take notes in the article and
>> would like some suggestions from anyone who's done this. On one hand,
>> I see the idea of keeping a separate headline for notes, and for a
>> series of articles, my file might look like this:
>> ,---
>> | * Article 1
>> | ** Notes on article 1
>> | * Article 2
>> | ** Notes on article 2
>> `---
>> One advantage to this is that I could very easily add :noexport: to my
>> notes and print off a hard copy of the article if I want it, and it
>> would also be easy to tag my notes :notes: and then replace-string to
>> turn the Article :export: into :noexport: and :notes: into :export:.
>> Then I'd have an easy to print copy of my notes for each article.
>> On the other hand, I like quoting when I use notes, and could see it
>> as advantageous to have something like:
>> ,---
>> | * Article 1
>> | It goes along and says x, y, and z.
>> | --- Me: that's interesting and here are my thoughts.
>> |
>> | It continues along saying all kinds of other things and my comments
>> are interjected whenever I want.
>> `---
>> I think that might be more useful for studying things later, as I get
>> to see an "annotated" version with my thoughts at the time I read it.
>> What it *doesn't* allow for is the easy printing of both the article
>> and the notes separately if I want.
>> Would someone suggest a way that I might be able to have the best of
>> both worlds? Some of my own not-at-all-hashed-out-ideas included:
>> - using footnotes since org has easy ways to jump from one to another,
>> but this would be tough when it came to actual footnotes, which there
>> will definitely be plenty of.
>> - highlighting the text I want to quote and then using refile somehow
>> to send it off to my notes section with my comments. This would be
>> cool if I could, at the same time, add an org-mode link to and from
>> the notes and original section, but also if I could turn that link off
>> when I export to PDF so I don't have hypertext to a non-existent link
>> if I don't export my notes as well.
>> Part of the reason that keeping notes/article separate is that I have
>> others interested in the articles and, if I need to send them a copy,
>> I want to get my junk out of there and have the original. I suppose I
>> could just keep two copies, though?
>> I think this idea could be useful to others and actually wouldn't
>> doubt if someone has an awesome setup for something like this already.
>> Thanks for any suggestions!
>> John
> --
> Eric Schulte
> http://cs.unm.edu/~eschulte/

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