Dear all,

I noticed the "publish enclosing subtree" command in the export
dispatcher today and I can't make it work, nor can I see how it differs
From publishing a subtree (and needless to say I can't seem to find any

This is a section of my .org file:

| * STARTED Hume Essay #2: Causation
| DEADLINE: <2011-04-19 Tue>
| [2011-03-14 Mon 16:04]
| *Does Hume think that causal power is all in the mind?*
| ** TODO Essay
| :EXPORT_FILE_NAME: hume-essay-causation
| :EXPORT_AUTHOR: Sean Whitton, Balliol
| :EXPORT_DATE: April 2011
| :EXPORT_TITLE: Does Hume think that causal power is all in the mind?
| :EXPORT_OPTIONS: todo:nil toc:nil skip:t
| :LaTeX_CLASS: spwessay
| :END:
| *** 
| Blah de blah (check above for how to do footnotes).

(yup I'm a non-science student using org, so shoot me :P)

When I put my cursor in the properties drawer within the essay text and
hit C-c C-e 1 d I get my 'essay' exported and processed to
hume-essay-causation.pdf correctly, but if I instead use C-c C-e SPC
with point at various different places within the essay, I just get the
error 'No enclosing node with LaTeX_CLASS or EXPORT_FILE_NAME', yet
afaics they are there.

How do I make the SPC command work and how does it differ from a subtree
export?  Thanks.


Sean Whitton / <>
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