
> I've just given a presentation using org-beamer and it worked really
> well. Thanks, guys!
> During preparation I ran into the problem described in the toy
> presentation below. I'm aware of why the second slide looks how it
> looks (the last line "belongs" to the block header).  Still, I wonder
> if there's a simpler solution for telling org that I want to get back
> to no indentation after the block, similar to the way on the very
> first slide.
> I realise that using the solition on the last slide is not a big deal,
> so I'm fine if that's the answer.
>       michael
> #+STARTUP: beamer
> #+LaTeX_CLASS: beamer
> #+LaTeX_CLASS_OPTIONS: [presentation]
> \usetheme{Warsaw}\usefonttheme[onlysmall]{structurebold}
> * My question in three slides
> ** A slide
> Some unindented text
> - item
> - another item
> back to unindented text
> ** The same slide, but with a block
> Some unindented text
> *** the only way to get a block is to add a heading, right?       :B_block:
>     :BEAMER_env: block
>     :END:
>     - item
>     - another item
> back to unindented text -- but no, this doesn't work, I'm still in
> the block
> ** The same slide, but with a block
> Some unindented text
> *** the only way to get a block is to add a heading, right?       :B_block:
>     :BEAMER_env: block
>     :END:
>     - item
>     - another item
> *** This is the only way I can get what I want                           
> :B_normal:
>     :BEAMER_env: normal

Change this one to:

    :BEAMER_env: ignoreheading

if you want the heading to be ignored.

>     :END:
> but the fact that I'm forced to use a *** heading in the org file although
> I specifically don't want any bullets makes me wonder if there isn't a
> simpler way to achieve what I want?

Yes, the only way to end a block is to start a new "block" but, as I
show above, you can have a block that is essentially a no-op if you tell
org to ignore the heading (C-c C-b i): it does nothing other than end
the previous block and start a new logical group of text.

: Eric S Fraga (GnuPG: 0xC89193D8FFFCF67D) in Emacs
: using Org-mode version 7.5 (release_7.5.142.g4168)

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