"Philipp M." <bootsare...@googlemail.com> writes:

> It would be the proper way to set up timetables for a semester.
> The workaround I use is mentioned in the FAQ http://orgmode.org/worg/
> org-faq.html#org-diary-class
> Unfortunately the FAQ doesn't state that putting the time in the
> heading is the only way to get the time into the agenda and that all
> other attempts you might expect to do what you want break silently.

The following works fine for me here:

* My classes
%%(org-diary-class 2 20 2011 5 30 2011 4) 9:00am-10:00am Emacs 101

This method will cause the agenda to display the string following the
sexp (e.g., Emacs 101) rather than the headline.


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