However, now looking at it, maybe my top agenda calendar should skip
deadlines or just have todays since I have a larger list below.  Hmm,
going to have to think about this some more but I am really liking
this start.


On Fri, Apr 15, 2011 at 8:59 AM, Matthew Sauer
<> wrote:
> I have been working on learning and playing with some lisp and looking
> through the amazing powerfulness of orgmode.  This is my new favorite
> agenda command.  I use it as the right hand side of my startup buffers
> (I have two).  On the left I have my file (the "I am not
> sure where I am putting this item but I need a container for it") that
> is a temporary storage buffer I need to try to keep empty except for
> my refile headlines and a dynamic block showing recently updated
> files.  On the right is the following calendar, gives me a good
> overview.  Of course for some users the deadline warning days might
> need to be smaller for unscheduled deadlines.
> Thanks for all the help and good ideas I have seen flowing through the
> list that has helped me get to where I can start hacking orgmode to be
> what I want/need it to be.
> Matt
> ----------cut here----------cut here-------------start--------
> '(org-agenda-custom-commands
>   (quote (
>           ("s" "Startup View" (
>                                (agenda "" ;;short calendar
>                                        '(org-agenda-ndays 2) ;;
> Number of Days of Agenda Calendar to Display
>                                        '(org-deadline-warning-days
> 7)) ;; Show all deadlines for next week
>                                (agenda ""  ;; how many days until an
> item is due if I haven't scheduled to work on it
>                                        ((org-agenda-time-grid nil)
>                                         (org-deadline-warning-days
> 365)        ;; Shows all deadlines for next nnn days
>                                         (org-agenda-entry-types
> '(:deadline))  ;; Look just for items if they have a deadline
>                                         (org-agenda-skip-entry-if
> 'scheduled)  ;; Skips items that are scheduled
>                                         (org-agenda-ndays 1) ;; Show just 
> today
>                                         (org-agenda-overriding-header
> "Unscheduled upcoming deadlines:") ;;Meaningful name
>                                         ))
>                                (todo ""
> '(org-agenda-overriding-header "Unscheduled No Deadline TODO:
> "));;TODO items not scheduled nor
> deadlined
>                                )))))
> ----------cut here----------------cut here----------------end---------

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