Aankhen <aank...@gmail.com> writes:

> On Wed, Apr 20, 2011 at 13:39, Manuel Giraud
> <manuel.gir...@univ-nantes.fr> wrote:
>> I knew it was not the best solution: all i wanted was to validate. But
>> an empty alt or maybe just "image" is fine by me too.
> Fair enough. :-) ‘image’ would be about the same as the file name in
> terms of useful alt text.

:-) and as useful as "" which is 5 bytes shorter: I think you've won

> Well, there /is/ a way to do that already, it’s just verbose:
> ,----[ Org ]
> | * Foo
> | #+ATTR_HTML: alt="The elusive foo in its native habitat."
> | [[file:foo.png]]
> `----

Yes, discovered that in the doc just after posting my reply. But, this
doesn't work on [[big.jpg][small.jpg]] links as the alt attribute will
be placed in the anchor (which is wrong, AFAICT).

> I’d suggest using the description part of the link as the alt text,
> but then there’d be no way to provide the actual link text (or image,
> as the case may be), so that’s a non-starter.

Now, I'm looking into using the fragment part: less verbose and
hopefully it'll work for all kind of inline image.

Manuel Giraud

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