So I've been meaning to put something up on this in worg for a while.

I've been dieting using orgmode, basic calorie tracking, and something
resembling the ideas out of "The Hacker's Diet" for the last year
(actually 2.5 years with a 1.5 year "break" in which I continued to
weigh in mostly but didn't follow my calorie goals ;)) and have lost >
60 pounds so far (originally was 275, not all that's recorded in my
files during the first few weeks of dieting, anyway at 210 now), going
from morbidly obese to just overweight, and I'm still losing weight
(soon enough, being a fat guy will be far behind me).  Here's the
org-babel generated gnuplot graphs to show it (regenerated and pushed to
my site every morning):

Here's a screenshot:

Roughly in the terrible amount of hacks that compose "org-diet" I've
wrapped together these ideas/tools:
 - calorie tracking
 - recipe calorie calculation
 - weigh-in via org-capture
 - calorie "clocking" (clock out at the end of the day to verify you've
   got accurate numbers for that day)
 - habit tracking of whether you've met your calorie goals
 - weight graphing with 10 day moving averaging to remove some of the
   "noise" from a daily weigh in/out
 - bmi calculation
 - a really shitty calories-per-day-to-lose-to-meet-your-goals estimator

It's really nothing complex, and mostly it's not software, just a
methedology with a *slight* amount of poorly written software in elisp
and org-babel, but the system works great.

I planned after meeting my diet goals (hitting normal weight) that I'd
release the whole thing (including my present diet file for reference)
under GPLv3, document it in worg, and put my own diet file out there
under CC0, but maybe I should do it sooner... problem is I don't have
time presently while trying to work on on
weekends to make a "proper" release, but I could at least bundle
together everything you need to have a full system using my hacks for
now if you want, with really terrible but usable documentation, without
taking up too much time. :)

Interested?  I could probably throw together a terrible tarball this
weekend if you want to use it and post it to the list.

One thing that's clear from the diet I've collected: whenever I've
followed the system, without fail, I've lost weight.  When I've deviated
I've stayed level or I've gained weight (the no-movement middle of the
diet graph I linked to).  Follow the system, use habit tracking and
stuff, stick to your calorie goals (I shoot for a lower occasional-goal
of 1300 calories and an absolute minimum goal of 1600 calories), and it
*fucking works* without any support of the bullshit diet industry.

I've heard a few people saying they have interest in the stuff I have so
maybe I should just do that crappy release for now; better than nothing?

Hopefully being useful while making embarassing admissions about my
 - cwebb

Stinky Wizzleteet <> writes:

> Hi all,
> I am too fat.
> And I found in the past that the best way for me to loose weight is to
> log my eating habit every day and make sure that I eat between 1800 and
> 2200 kcal/day, no more, but also not less.
> I want to figure out a way how to create a custom capture template to
> keep track of my daily intake.
> The result should be a diary-style org file were every day would be
> filled with a table that features an updated total and an item list:
> TOTAL:  1965 kcal
> |apple          |       80|
> |orange         |       65|
> |energy drink   |       300|
> ... etc
> (gnus: y u no tables ?)               
> capturing would consist of two entries, item and specific caloric
> value, and these values would be inserted into a table that would
> automagically update its daily total.
> Every day a new table should be started.
> Is this possible ? And how ?
> Pointers, tips and snippets are greatly appreciated.
> Best,
> wzzl

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