On Tue, Apr 26, 2011 at 10:54 AM, Arnold, Travis <tlarn...@radford.edu> wrote:
> To confirm, I run this command from within the .elisp folder? and then I can
> open Aquamacs and use orgmode?

Yes, from inside the .elisp folder.

You haven't said whether or not you have a .emacs file, either, so I
don't know. If you have a .emacs file and it's pointing to the
~/.elisp/org.git, then you're alright.

It doesn't sound like you have much or any experience with emacs. If
that's the case, I hate to say this, but you may be in for quite the
frustrating ride. I only say this as you sound rushed, and learning
emacs/org-mode is not something you'll be able to brute-force your way
into, at least in my opinion.

Take some deep breaths, google around before posting questions, watch
some screen casts [1], print off some emacs cheat sheets [2], and take
it slow.

[1] http://orgmode.org/worg/org-tutorials/org-screencasts/index.html
[2] http://bit.ly/epdHov


> On 26 Apr, 2011, at 11:49 AM, John Hendy wrote:
>  /usr/local/git/bin/git clone git://orgmode.org/org-mode.git org.git

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