
That's amazing!

Much more complex, and I really liked the idea of tracking every
directory that has important files (including configuration files).
Thank you for sharing.

As for deleting files, I just rm -rf when I need to, so the next
commit -a will catch it.

But yours is definitely a new (and I'd say better) backup paradigm. I
will definitely implement your ideas later, but right now I'm
satisfied (kind of) OK with OSX's Time Machine.



On Sun, May 1, 2011 at 6:31 AM, Bernt Hansen <> wrote:
> Marcelo de Moraes Serpa <> writes:
>> Another thing: I'm considering setting the commit cron job to every
>> hour. So, every hour I would have a fresh copy of org pushed to my
>> dropbox volume.
>> I forgot to share the (I don't  usually program in bash, so
>> bear with me :)):
>>   1 DAYW=$(date | cut -d" " -f 1)
>>   2 NOW=$(date +"%d-%m-%Y-%r")
>>   3
>>   4 cd ~/org
>>   5 git add .
>>   6 git commit -a -m "$DAYW-$NOW"
>>   7 git push
>> Cheers,
> Hi Marcelo,
> I use the following script hourly
> which also handles removing deleted files.
> Regards,
> Bernt

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