Hi -

I'm wondering if there's a way to treat a heading more like a block, such that 
it  has begin/end markers that explicitly mark its boundaries.

What I frequently find happening is that while I'm editing a heading, I have a 
need for a subtopic. Easy: C-<RET>, Tab. Now I want to keep editing at the same 
level that I was, but I don't want to introduce another topic (or a "Stuff, 
cont'd", etc) I just want to keep typing at the same context level.

Ideally, I'd like to just use curly braces to delimit section boundaries.
So something like this:


* Top

  This part of top

  * A sub heading {
    stuff in sub
    all this gets collapsed under 'A sub heading'


  More stuff that's part of top.


Right now, when I hit TAB on 'A sub heading', it'll collapse all the rest of 
text, as it should. How can I teach it just collapse up to the right brace?

Or any other suggestion for getting this fact - I realize this is starting to 
look more like XML than an outline - but would really like to get this behavior 
without having to leave orgmode.

Any pointers, suggestions - much appreciated!

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