Nick Dokos <> writes:

> Matt Lundin <> wrote:
>> I should clarify. I, too, can see the link in the agenda. I had been
>> under the impression that only diary sexps will appear in the agenda,
>> but it seems that a generic sexp that returns a string will also show
>> up.
>> I'm not sure whether this is a feature or a bug.
> I *think* it's a feature but I'm really not sure: the regexp is just
> "^&?%%(" so it does not seem to care what comes after it. Various things
> (like the sunrise/sunset hacks) use it, so if it is deemed to be a
> bug-to-be-fixed, they will break when it *is* fixed :-)

Thanks! Yes this indeed a feature. I just wanted to make sure I wasn't
sending a patch that enhanced a bug. :)


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