"David Dyer-Bennet" <d...@dd-b.net> writes:

>>>> And where can I find a copy?
>>> How about here?:
>>> http://orgmode.org/org-6.36c.zip
> I can't find any POINTER to that anywhere on the site; 

Please, you should have searched *also* the mailing 
list archieve: (e.g. in gmane: "older org version" ). 
This string is easier than mine, isn't it?

Then you would have found that:

  On 2010-12-03 22:17:31 GMT (21 weeks, 4 days, ago)

  David Dyer-Bennet <dd-b <at> dd-b.net> wrote:

  " Given the two URLs, I have now deduced the pattern 
    for downloading older distributions :-) .  
    I still can't see a list of what's available, but the 
    ones mentioned publicly that I've tried have all
    existed.  (It's just the obvious:
    http://orgmode.org/org-<version>.tar.gz )

    Thanks for finding the confirmation that 6.36c is 
    supposed to work with Emacs 21."


> However, it doesn't make or make install with the Emacs 21.4.1 install on
> my web host (engl.dreamhost.com, to be explicit; running Linux).
why do you need to install it with make?

Org mode works even if you only:

1. Make a directory: ~/org/
2. unzip/ untar the file org-YOUR-version.zipTar
3. configure org in your .emacs:
   (setq load-path (cons "~/org/lisp" load-path))
4. for info:
   (add-to-list 'Info-default-directory-list "~/org/doc")
   [source: http://doc.norang.ca/org-mode.htm]
5. Read and follow the manual 
   eg: add the correct line  (require 'org) or 
   (require 'org-install). I don't remeber.

This will *not* byte compile your files but I use not compiled 
files and it's fine for me. 

If you want to byte compile use this brute force approach:

$ emacs -e "(progn (byte-force-recompile \"~/org/lisp\")
            (byte-force-recompile \"~/org/lisp\" )) 



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