Robert Pluim <> writes:

> Jambunathan K <> writes:
>> Robert Pluim <> writes:
>>> (I thought this would be a FAQ, but I can't find anything similar)
>>> Hi,
>>> I'm exporting from org to html, which is working well. Since my final
>>> target is MSWord, I'd like to add style information to various
>>> paragraphs, ie bold, underline etc. I can see how to do eg *bold* for
>>> individual words, but how do I apply that kind of formatting to a span
>>> of text?
>> I recommend using the odt exporter and then use LibreOffice to convert
>> the resulting file to MSWord.
> Whilst that would work, it's inherently a 2-step process, versus 1 for
> the html route, plus it requires installing yet-another-application. In
> any case, the example file for the odt-converter has corrected my
> misunderstanding: *bold* works even for multiple words (although it
> appears the various style markers don't nest: */bold-italic/* give me
> the same as *bold*).

If you are using the odt exporter and if you don't use strikethrough
(let's say) you can repurpose OrgStrike style to render bold italic
style using the Stylist.

> Thanks
> Robert


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