On 5/5/11 May 5 -11:56 AM, Eric Schulte wrote:
> Robert Goldman <rpgold...@sift.info> writes:
>> Looking over this some more, I see that the challenge is to:
>> 1.  read the file parameters (whatever they are) from the original file
>> (hence opening the file from the link) and
>> 2.  read the header parameters from the export buffer, since the header
>> may not actually be contained in the original file.
> The above is a good summary.  Babel ensures that code blocks will be
> evaluated in the original buffer, so that they can e.g., reference a
> code block outside of the exported subtree when only exporting a
> subtree.
>> This seems like a substantial reorganization from the original, which
>> attempts to do both tasks in the original file (and fails for included
>> files).
> I'm not sure that the current behavior is a bug.  Is it reasonable to
> place code block parameters into an included file?  These parameters
> would not be successfully found during interactive evaluation, and could
> only plausibly be used during export as you anticipated.

Aren't the code block parameters supposed to appear /with/ the code
block?  So here's the use case:

I have a file chapter.org.  This contains a full draft of a chapter of
my manual.  I finish it and circulate it for comments, then get it ready
for inclusion.

Now I have manual.org and I want to include the main body of chapter.org
(typically there's some front matter I leave off).

When I put the #include in manual.org, the source code snippets in
chapter.org, which used to work, no longer do.

This doesn't seem like /such/ a crazy use case that it shouldn't work,
does it?

[btw, I am not entirely sure I know what "header parameters" are --- are
these the parameters that come from the #+begin_src line?  If so,
shouldn't they definitely be read from the #+begin_src line?  They can't
very well be read from manual.org, which doesn't contain the #+begin_src

Sorry if I wasn't clear in my original message.


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