On 5/15/11 8:02 AM, Thomas S. Dye wrote:
Aloha Christian,

I like RefTeX, too, when I'm using AucTeX, but I've found it has a few
annoying habits in the Org-mode environment.  Can I ask how you deal
with these?

Uhm... I probably don't deal with them, and I probably don't even know what I'm missing, since I don't have much of a LaTeX background. I have used Reftex solely for inserting citations.

I'll be watching with interest to see if others can answer your questions, though.

How do you pass the master file name to RefTeX?

If I understand your question, the issue hasn't come up, so I don't know. The longest thing I've authored in Org so far was a 40-odd-page report, without co-authors, so I haven't had any need yet to manage master files and included files.

Do you let RefTeX parse all your Org-mode buffers?

Yes, via org-mode-hook. For my uses, the overhead is negligible. So I haven't looked at how to do this selectively.


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