
Is it possible for the output of the expansion of a code block to
appear in the exported document?

Consider the example:

#+TITLE: No expansion of noweb references when exporting

* Example
:tangle: illustration.hpp
#+srcname: boiler-plate-code-generator()
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :results output :exports none :tangle no
(dolist (type '("int8_t" "uint8_t" "float" "double"))
  (princ (format "template <> %s boiler_plate_code<%s>();\n" type type)))
#+begin_src c++ :noweb yes

When I export this to HTML using C-c C-e b, the text
<<boiler-plate-code-generator()>> is present. What I would like to see
is the output that is generated when tangling.


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