Karl Voit <devn...@karl-voit.at> wrote:

> * Michael Brand <michael.ch.br...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hi Karl
> >
> > You need additionally $# from "Field coordinates in formulas" described 
> > here:
> > http://orgmode.org/manual/References.html#References
> > and Calc vector subscript:
> > #+TBLFM: @2 = subscr(remote(orgtblA, @2$2..@2$7), $#)
> This was the thing I was missing! Thank you!
> But on the page of the URL mentioned above there is nothing
> related to »subscr« at all. Is there a more verbose reference I do
> not know yet?

Yes, it's documented in the Calc manual, section 11.3, "Extracting
Vector Elements". I'd encourage you to write up a short tutorial
on your use case: it's interesting, non-trivial and perhaps a nice
introduction to using Calc functions in Org tables. Worg would be
a better place for it!


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