On Wed, Jun 8, 2011 at 5:20 PM, Neeum Zawan <mailingli...@nawaz.org> wrote:
> n this case, yes. In a real programming project, it could be a number
> of them. For example, I may have a code block dedicated to
> imports/includes which I want to be on the top of the file - and I may
> have to append to that when adding a new feature.

Ooh! Ooh! Me too!

I was just wanting this the other day. I wanted to be able to do:

    #+srcname: requires
    #+begin_src ruby
      require 'library_a'


    #+srcname: requires
    #+begin_src ruby
      require 'library_b'

And then tie it all together with:

    #+begin_src ruby :tangle foo.rb

But no such luck. <<requires>> just picked up the most recent block
with that srcname, IIRC.

Avdi Grimm

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