Erik Iverson <> wrote:

> Can anyone confirm the following:
> Export the following org-mode markup to, say, latex
> * a headline
> here's an example of a code block ...
> #+BEGIN_SRC <language> <header arguments>
> <code>
> I get (only relevant portion included):
> \section{a headline}
> \label{sec-1}
> here's an example of a code block \ldots{}
> \lstset{language=<language>}
> \begin{lstlisting}
> <code>
> \end{lstlisting}
> So, somehow the begin_src block is getting interpreted as such even
> though it's in a begin_example block...I of course want the whole of
> the text inside the example to simply be in the output verbatim. Did a
> bug creep in perhaps?

I can certainly confirm that: I reported it a week ago - see



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