Philipp Haselwarter <> wrote:

> On 2011-05-16 14:08 UT, Matt Lundin <> wrote:
> ML> Leo <> writes:
> >> On 2011-05-16 00:58 +0800, Matt Lundin wrote:
> >>> I'd be happy to take this on.AFAICT, there are three functions in
> >>> org-bbdb that no longer exist in bbdb v3.
> >> 
> >> If you want you can build on top of my version.The anniversaries is
> >> still broken since I don't use BBDB-anniv.el.The rest works well for
> >> the past few weeks.
> ML> Thanks Leo!This is very helpful.
> ML> I have anniversaries working in my own setup, so between the two
> ML> sets of modifications, I should be able to provide a full set of
> ML> fixes.More soon...
> ML> Best, Matt
> Hi Matt,
> Would you mind sharing the working bits of your setup?
> I just tried %%(org-bbdb-anniversaries) and got a
> Bad sexp at line […]
> thanks for the effort!

I haven't tried bbdb-3.0 yet - I'm still on "bbdb-2.36 devo",
so I can't help with 3.0 problems. But if you want to debug
it a bit, then the following method should give you some idea
of what's going wrong.

Switch to the *scratch* buffer and evaluate the following:

(setq debug-on-error t)
(setq date '(6 13 2011))   ; you can set the date to different things
                           ; in order to pick up different anniversaries etc.

I hope this gives you a backtrace but it may be that the error is caught
(in order to produce the "Bad diary sexp at ..." message) and I'm not
sure whether a backtrace is produced in this case, but it's still worth
trying I think.  In any case, check the *Messages* buffer as well.


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