This does not answer your question, but I remember a long time ago I saw
some screen-shots of org-mode where some keywords were changed to icons
(png images, I think). The screen-shots were pretty, but I don't know if
the project was further developed or not.

Here a thread about it

Darlan Cavalcante

At Sat, 11 Jun 2011 20:56:46 +0200,
harven <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I use emacs 23.2.1 together with org 6.33.
> I am trying to add the character ▶ as a todo keyword with no success.
> Starting with emacs -Q, I execute the following 
> code in the scratch buffer
> (setq org-todo-keywords
> '((sequence "\u25b6" "ok")
>   (sequence "\u25b8" "ok")))
> Then I open a simple .org file containing
> * ▶ first
> * ▸ second
> Only the second keyword is highlighted. 
> Why is it not the case with the first keyword ?
> Thanks,
> --
> Harven

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