Unfortunately this is not what jsMath expects. We get this in the html
file (see attached files for full source)

<p>This is what we want
 y = ax + b

<p>This is what we get
<div class="EQUATION">
 y = ax + b

What we need to do is to replace \begin{equation} ... \end{equation}
with $$ ... $$ in the HTML export. Any idea of how to do this?


On 16/06/11 15:37, Darlan Cavalcante Moreira wrote:
> Using the org-special-blocks library org-mode will recognize blocks in the
> form
> : #+begin_something
> :   bla bla bla
> : #+end_something
> Then you could write
> : #+begin_equation
> :   y=ax+b
> : #+end_equation
> in org-mode. It would be translated to
> : \begin{equation}
> :   y=ax+b
> : \end{equation}
> in latex and
> : <div class="equation">
> :   y=ax+b
> : </div>
> in html.
> Can mathjax be configured to process anything inside <div class="equation">?
> If not, maybe the #+begin_equation should be a built-in block in org-mode,
> also with a fast template (maybe "<eq").
> --
> Darlan Cavalcante
> At Thu, 16 Jun 2011 08:53:24 +0100,
> Eric S Fraga <e.fr...@ucl.ac.uk> wrote:
>> Samuel Sinayoko <s.sinay...@soton.ac.uk> writes:
>>> Dear list,
>>> I've been trying to write short scientific reports that I can export to
>>> both LaTeX and HTML. So far I've managed to figure out how to include
>>> equations, images, references, and how to include labels and cross
>>> reference between all these things.
>>> The only problem I have is that I can't get numbered equations in both
>>> LaTeX and HTML. Using the snippet below, I'm able to get a numbered
>>> equation in HTML but not in LaTeX. I've put
>>> loadFiles: ["extensions/eqn-number.js"], 
>>> in jsMath/easy/load.js. If I replace the $$ by
>>> \begin{equation} and \end{equation}, I get a numbered equation in LaTeX
>>> but not in HTML. 
>>> How can I get numbered equations in both HTML and LaTeX?
>> I can't help you wish HTML unfortunately but I can summarise the issue
>> in LaTeX.  
>> With the standard document class (article say), equations can be either
>> "displayed" or "inline".  Only displayed equations are numbered and then
>> only if you use =equation= (or =align=, =eqnarray=, etc).  $$ ... $$ is
>> equivalent to \[ ... \] which is essentially equivalent to the
>> unnumbered version of \begin{equation} (aka \begin{equation*}).
>> The trick would be to get the HTML exporter to apply the same processing
>> to \begin{equation} ... \end{equation} as it does to $$ ... $$, I guess?
>> -- 
>> : Eric S Fraga (GnuPG: 0xC89193D8FFFCF67D) in Emacs
>> : using Org-mode version 7.5 (release_7.5.399.g01eb)

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