Aloha Herbert,

I think you're right about the potential to improve the documentation.
That's an on-going process.  Could you suggest some specific changes?

All the best,

Herbert Sitz <> writes:

> Eric Schulte <schulte.eric <at>> writes:
>> Babel sessions explicitly are thin wrappers around the interactive mode
>> of the language in question (whatever that may be).  That is why Babel
>> happily doesn't implement sessions for all languages, the contract
>> simply is that if a language supports interactive evaluation, Babel will
>> try to allow access to that functionality.
> That the Babel session is only a "thin" wrapper is not clear at all from the
> docs.  The docs do mention 'interactive session'--and even that the output may
> be slightly different from the non-session mode.  The docs don't mention
> anything about the user needing to do extra preparation to avoid syntax errors
> in evaluation of already valid code.  If I take an existing Org block of
> non-session code and stick a :session on I don't expect to get syntax errors.
>  If that's the expected behavior then it needs to be emphasized more in the
> docs, otherwise most users will think something is broken in Org.
>> If the contract was rather simply "Babel provides session based
>> evaluation", then we'd be on the hook for implementing session
>> evaluation where it doesn't already exist and may not make sense (e.g.,
>> C, ditaa), and normalizing everywhere else as you're suggesting here.
>> Which would in turn requires us to spell out Babel-specific semantics of
>> session based evaluation -- something we have thus-far avoided.
> Again, the docs reference 'Session based evaluation' in big bold letters and
> don't indicate the thinness of the wrapper.
>> Some positive points *for* the "thin wrapper" approach include;
>> 1. It is the simplest to implement
>>    - easier to implement support for new language
>>    - easier to maintain -- especially if interactive tools change
>>    - easier to reason about -- thinking about bug fixing here
>>    - works with alternate back-ends e.g., ipython
> I think I have a solution for Python that gives full "session-based 
> evaluation"
> and which is better than the current "thin wrapper" for all four concerns 
> above
> (See bottom of my message for an example.)  This same approach, I think, would
> work for Ruby, but I would need to do a little digging to find exact method. 
> Let me know if you want me to do that digging.
>> 2. It is the least surprising.  I'd maintain that for users familiar
>>    with using Python sessions this behavior is the easiest to quickly
>>    understand and use.  As opposed to if we did something fancy (even if
>>    it was an improvement) it would be another environment for language
>>    users to have to familiarize themselves with -- they'd have both
>>    normal session rules and babel session rules
> As a sometimes Python user it had me totally confused.  I don't think of
> "session-based" as having any essential tie to "interactive shell" at all.  
> Why
> would I worry about state being maintained between statements in an org 
> block? 
> State is already maintained between statements in non-session Org blocks. The
> only difference with session-based blocks is the starting state may not be
> "fresh".
> When I look at Org and think of "session-based" blocks, I see a potential big
> benefit in having multiple source-blocks throughout my document share the same
> session.  That way I don't need to use Org's (clever and useful but) somewhat
> clunky and inflexible method of passing data explicitly.  In statistics-based
> docs, for example, I can imagine that the sheer amount of data would make 
> using
> Org's explicit variable-passing method unfeasible.  Using
> session-based-evaluation is at the same time both simpler and more heavy-duty.
> I never thought the use of session-based code blocks as something like a
> scratchpad was much more than toy. If you're typing in code that's not 
> intended
> to be an integral part of an Org doc then you could just as well jump to the
> shell and enter it there.
> Here's an example of how to run a block of Python code of any length in the
> interactive session and save its output in a file.  Note that this is _not_
> interactive, even though the command runs in the interactive shell's session:
> Start with this block of code:
> -------------------------------------
> #+begin_src python :results output :session mypy 
>     x = 1
>     y = 1
>     z = 1
>     for i in range(1,2):
>         x = x + i
>         print x
>         for y in range(10,11):
>             print y
>     # comment here
>         for z in range(5,6):
>             print z
>             while y > 0:
>                 print y
>                 y=y-1
>     print "Did it work?"
> #+end_src
> ------------------------------------
> Strip out the block of empty space at the left side and save in a file in
> current directory (say, '') with a couple commands prepended and
> appended:
> -----------------------------
> # beginning of file
> # prepend code to redirect stdout to file
> import sys
> saveout = sys.stdout
> fsock = open('pyfile-output.log','w')
> sys.stdout = fsock
> # code block here, with beginning space block removed
> x = 1
> y = 1
> z = 1
> for i in range(1,2):
>     x = x + i
>     print x
>     for y in range(10,11):
>         print y
> # comment here
>     for z in range(5,6):
>         print z
>         while y > 0:
>             print y
>             y=y-1
> print "Did it work?"
> # end of the org source code block
> # return stdout to what it was
> sys.stdout = saveout
> # and close the log file
> fsock.close()
> # end of file
> ----------------------------
> Now you can go into the python shell and execute the code in
>>>> execfile('')
> The output will be saved in the log file in the working directory.  I think it
> should be exactly the same as the output from the non-session based code
> (assuming the session-based code started from a fresh session).
> -- Herb

Thomas S. Dye

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