At Sat, 9 Apr 2011 20:23:38 +1000,
Matt Curtis wrote:
> Hello,
> I would like agenda timestamps to support time zones somehow, and I'm after
> some guidance from org-mode developers.

Nothing Org mode specific but with regards to the problem of
representing time I recently stumbled across Erik Naggum's essay

"The Long, Painful History of Time"

ABSTRACT The programming language Common Lisp offers a few functions
to support the concept of time as humans experience it, including
GET-DECODED-TIME. These functions assume the existence of a timezone
and a daylight saving time regime, such that they can support the
usual expression of time in the environment in which a small number of
real-life applications run. The majority of applications, however,
need more support to be able to read and write dates and times,
calculate with time, schedule events at specific clock times daily,
and work with several time zones and daylight saving time
regimes. This paper discusses some of the problems inherent in
processing time suitable to humans and describes a solution employed
by the author in a number of applications, the LOCAL-TIME concept.

Maybe this might give a clue on the "somehow" part.

  -- David
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