* chris.m.mal...@gmail.com <chris.m.mal...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm curious how you work on Org-mode papers for publication with  
> collaborators? In particular, do all of your collaborators know and use  
> Org-mode themselves? Our current method is just to use ordinary LaTeX files  
> in a CVS repository for collaboration. 

CVS is very ... old if not ancient.

For collaboration with LaTeX documents I am using SVN[1] as a
centralized version control system (VCS) if my collaborators are not
tech savvy. There are lots of handy tools available like [2] that
made it possible to convince any ordinary user from using SVN.

If I am working with tech savvy people, I tend to use git [3]
instead. It is a *decentralized* VCS with much more possibilities
and it is a bit harder to learn. But if you are familiar with git,
you get advantages from offline commits, partial commits, and very
good internal merging capabilities that solve most of the LaTeX
integration process automatically.

  1. https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/wiki/Subversion_(software)
  2. https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/wiki/TortoiseSVN
  3. https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/wiki/Git_(software)
Karl Voit

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