Hi Torsten!

2011/7/7 Torsten Anders <torsten.and...@beds.ac.uk>:
> For bibliographies in MS Word and/or OpenOffice you may wan to check out 
> Zotero (http://www.zotero.org/) and its extensions for these platforms.

Yes, good idea.  I installed Zotero.  Too bad there is no extension
for Chrome, but using Firefox is still much, much better than using
IE.  Which I could not because I run Ubuntu Linux.

> PS: If you are writing a thesis and you may later want to publish things, 
> then it is useful to follow the advice of your supervisor and also be able to 
> have your text in a word processor format, as many publishers require such a 
> format (granted, some will also accept Latex).

Yes, but the sad thing is that using emacs+orgmode is so fast, easy
and productive.   Writer or Word feel so clunky and backwards.  They
are simply painful to use.   I also like the black background and
faces of my personalized Emacs configuration.   My fingers fly over
the keyboard in Emacs and lines of text appear almost magically :-)


Henri-Paul Indiogine

Curriculum & Instruction
Texas A&M University
TutorFind Learning Centre

Email: hindiog...@gmail.com
Skype: hindiogine
Website: http://people.cehd.tamu.edu/~sindiogine

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