
On Tue, Jul 12, 2011 at 21:00, Jason F. McBrayer <jmcb...@carcosa.net> wrote:
> I /think/ that in X, emacs will select the closest font it can find to
> in order to get the characters it needs. However, in Windows, it will
> only use the default font (or whatever is explicitly specified for the
> face), even if that font is missing characters. The only workaround
> I've found for buffers that need a lot of Unicode characters is to use
> DejaVu Sans Mono. Consolas is very nice, but its Unicode coverage is
> not good.

That’s odd.  I’m using Emacs 24 on Windows 7 64-bit (and before this
I’ve used 23 on both 7 and Vista), and my font is set to Consolas.
Emacs happily substitutes other fonts where Consolas is missing glyphs
(see the attached screenshot).  The only snag is that it takes a while
to find a suitable font, at times.

I’m using a precompiled binary from emacs-for-windows.[1] Perhaps it
has special support for font substitution or something…


[1]: http://code.google.com/p/emacs-for-windows/

<<attachment: Emacs font substitution.png>>

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