On Wed 13 Jul 2011, Achim Gratz wrote:

> I've tested some things on Win7 and happen to have an Emacs24 installed
> there, so I compiled the latest org-mode.  I got quite a few warnings
> that I've never seen before with Emacs23, so I assume this is Emacs24
> tightening the screws on some loseness.  I don't remember the exact
> warning text, but it was something about top-level forms and global
> variables not having a prefix (presumably to keep them in their own
> namespace and not step on the toes of other packages).

AFAIK this is because emacs-24 now supports lexical scope. The use of
name prefixes is used to manage namespace as you mention, but also as
convention used by the byte compiler to help distinguish between uses of
lexically and dynamicly scoped variable bindings.

See the emacs-24 elisp manual for more details, or ask the friednly
folks on the on the emacs devel list.



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