Pieter Praet <pieter <at> praet.org> writes:

> What the OP is suggesting effectively nullifies the separation between
> model and view ...

I'm sorry, but this is just plain wrong. The whole problem is that in
orgmode there is no real separation between model and view.

Any "normal" interactive application reads its data from one or multiple
file formats, transforms them to an internal representation, applies
operations to this internal representation and transforms it again for
the display. One can easily change the file format, internal
representation or appearance without changing the other.

In orgmode, it's basicly all one and the same. The model is the same as
the file format, with some additional run-time-information such as which
parts of the document are visible. And the view is the same as the model,
with some fontification. That's why changing the appearance of the
headlines would mean to change the model and--in the end--the file format
as well. Which, as you correctly stated, would create a lot of new

Ciao, Marcus

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