Am 16.07.2011 19:03, schrieb Bastien:
> Hi Rainer,
> Rainer Stengele <> writes:
>> In agenda view doing a C-x C-w produces a face related error.
> I cannot reproduce this.  C-x C-w works fine in the agenda views 
> I could test.  
>> Can somebody help me out finding the issue in this debug message?
> Please send a small with the agenda config to reproduce 
> this problem with latest Org.
> Thanks!
Hi Bastien,

attached please find a simple smal org file.
Bein gin the file I enter

C-c a y a

and get the error (see dump). I am quite sure it is some misconfiguration in my 
settings but I just don't know how to find it.
Org-mode version 7.6 (release_7.6.88.gd1c9)

Debugger entered--Lisp error: (error "Invalid face")
  internal-get-lisp-face-attribute(nil :height nil)
  face-attribute(nil :height)
  (setq h (face-attribute f :height))
  (while (progn (setq f (if --cl-var-- face (face-attribute f :inherit))) (not 
(eq f (quote unspecified)))) (setq h (face-attribute f :height)) (push (if (eq 
h (quote unspecified)) nil h) --cl-var--) (setq --cl-var-- nil))
  (let* ((f nil) (h nil) (--cl-var-- nil) (--cl-var-- t)) (while (progn (setq f 
(if --cl-var-- face (face-attribute f :inherit))) (not (eq f (quote 
unspecified)))) (setq h (face-attribute f :height)) (push (if (eq h (quote 
unspecified)) nil
h) --cl-var--) (setq --cl-var-- nil)) (nreverse --cl-var--))
  (catch (quote --cl-block-nil--) (let* ((f nil) (h nil) (--cl-var-- nil) 
(--cl-var-- t)) (while (progn (setq f (if --cl-var-- face (face-attribute f 
:inherit))) (not (eq f (quote unspecified)))) (setq h (face-attribute f 
:height)) (push
(if (eq h (quote unspecified)) nil h) --cl-var--) (setq --cl-var-- nil)) 
(nreverse --cl-var--)))
  (cl-block-wrapper (catch (quote --cl-block-nil--) (let* ((f nil) (h nil) 
(--cl-var-- nil) (--cl-var-- t)) (while (progn (setq f (if --cl-var-- face 
(face-attribute f :inherit))) (not (eq f (quote unspecified)))) (setq h 
(face-attribute f
:height)) (push (if (eq h (quote unspecified)) nil h) --cl-var--) (setq 
--cl-var-- nil)) (nreverse --cl-var--))))
  (block nil (let* ((f nil) (h nil) (--cl-var-- nil) (--cl-var-- t)) (while 
(progn (setq f (if --cl-var-- face (face-attribute f :inherit))) (not (eq f 
(quote unspecified)))) (setq h (face-attribute f :height)) (push (if (eq h 
unspecified)) nil h) --cl-var--) (setq --cl-var-- nil)) (nreverse --cl-var--)))
  (loop for f = face then (face-attribute f :inherit) until (eq f (quote 
unspecified)) for h = (face-attribute f :height) collect (if (eq h (quote 
unspecified)) nil h))
  (let ((size-list (loop for f = face then (face-attribute f :inherit) until 
(eq f (quote unspecified)) for h = (face-attribute f :height) collect (if (eq h 
(quote unspecified)) nil h)))) (reduce (quote htmlize-merge-size) (cons nil
  (let ((size (htmlize-face-size face))) (unless (eql size 1.0) (setf 
(htmlize-fstruct-size fstruct) size)))
  (cond (htmlize-running-xemacs (let* ((font-instance (face-font-instance 
face)) (props (font-instance-properties font-instance))) (when (equalp (cdr 
(assq (quote WEIGHT_NAME) props)) "bold") (setf (htmlize-fstruct-boldp fstruct) 
t)) (when
(or (equalp (cdr (assq ... props)) "i") (equalp (cdr (assq ... props)) "o")) 
(setf (htmlize-fstruct-italicp fstruct) t)) (setf (htmlize-fstruct-strikep 
fstruct) (face-strikethru-p face)) (setf (htmlize-fstruct-underlinep fstruct)
(face-underline-p face)))) ((fboundp (quote face-attribute)) (dolist (attr 
(quote (:weight :slant :underline :overline :strike-through))) (let ((value (if 
(>= emacs-major-version 22) (face-attribute face attr nil t) (let ... ... 
(when (and value (not (eq value ...))) (htmlize-face-emacs21-attr fstruct attr 
value)))) (let ((size (htmlize-face-size face))) (unless (eql size 1.0) (setf 
(htmlize-fstruct-size fstruct) size)))) (t (when (fboundp (quote face-bold-p))
(setf (htmlize-fstruct-boldp fstruct) (face-bold-p face))) (when (fboundp 
(quote face-italic-p)) (setf (htmlize-fstruct-italicp fstruct) (face-italic-p 
face))) (setf (htmlize-fstruct-underlinep fstruct) (face-underline-p face))))
  (let ((fstruct (make-htmlize-fstruct :foreground (htmlize-color-to-rgb 
(htmlize-face-foreground face)) :background (htmlize-color-to-rgb 
(htmlize-face-background face))))) (cond (htmlize-running-xemacs (let* 
(face-font-instance face)) (props (font-instance-properties font-instance))) 
(when (equalp (cdr (assq ... props)) "bold") (setf (htmlize-fstruct-boldp 
fstruct) t)) (when (or (equalp (cdr ...) "i") (equalp (cdr ...) "o")) (setf
(htmlize-fstruct-italicp fstruct) t)) (setf (htmlize-fstruct-strikep fstruct) 
(face-strikethru-p face)) (setf (htmlize-fstruct-underlinep fstruct) 
(face-underline-p face)))) ((fboundp (quote face-attribute)) (dolist (attr 
(quote (:weight
:slant :underline :overline :strike-through))) (let ((value (if ... ... ...))) 
(when (and value (not ...)) (htmlize-face-emacs21-attr fstruct attr value)))) 
(let ((size (htmlize-face-size face))) (unless (eql size 1.0) (setf
(htmlize-fstruct-size fstruct) size)))) (t (when (fboundp (quote face-bold-p)) 
(setf (htmlize-fstruct-boldp fstruct) (face-bold-p face))) (when (fboundp 
(quote face-italic-p)) (setf (htmlize-fstruct-italicp fstruct) (face-italic-p 
(setf (htmlize-fstruct-underlinep fstruct) (face-underline-p face)))) (setf 
(htmlize-fstruct-css-name fstruct) (let ((name (downcase (symbol-name face)))) 
(when (string-match "\\`font-lock-" name) (setq name (replace-match "" t t 
(when (string-match "-face\\'" name) (setq name (replace-match "" t t name))) 
(while (string-match "[^-a-zA-Z0-9]" name) (setq name (replace-match "X" t t 
name))) (when (string-match "\\`[-0-9]" name) (setq name (concat "X" name))) 
(equal name "") (setq name "face")) (setq name (concat htmlize-css-name-prefix 
name)) name)) fstruct)
  (if (symbolp face) (htmlize-face-to-fstruct face) 
(htmlize-attrlist-to-fstruct face))
  (let ((fstruct (if (symbolp face) (htmlize-face-to-fstruct face) 
(htmlize-attrlist-to-fstruct face)))) (setf (gethash face face-map) fstruct) 
(let* ((css-name (htmlize-fstruct-css-name fstruct)) (new-name css-name) (i 0)) 
(while (member
new-name css-names) (setq new-name (format "%s-%s" css-name (incf i)))) (unless 
(equal new-name css-name) (setf (htmlize-fstruct-css-name fstruct) new-name)) 
(push new-name css-names)))
  (if (gethash face face-map) nil (let ((fstruct (if (symbolp face) 
(htmlize-face-to-fstruct face) (htmlize-attrlist-to-fstruct face)))) (setf 
(gethash face face-map) fstruct) (let* ((css-name (htmlize-fstruct-css-name 
fstruct)) (new-name
css-name) (i 0)) (while (member new-name css-names) (setq new-name (format 
"%s-%s" css-name (incf i)))) (unless (equal new-name css-name) (setf 
(htmlize-fstruct-css-name fstruct) new-name)) (push new-name css-names))))
  (unless (gethash face face-map) (let ((fstruct (if (symbolp face) 
(htmlize-face-to-fstruct face) (htmlize-attrlist-to-fstruct face)))) (setf 
(gethash face face-map) fstruct) (let* ((css-name (htmlize-fstruct-css-name 
fstruct)) (new-name
css-name) (i 0)) (while (member new-name css-names) (setq new-name (format 
"%s-%s" css-name (incf i)))) (unless (equal new-name css-name) (setf 
(htmlize-fstruct-css-name fstruct) new-name)) (push new-name css-names))))
  (while --cl-dolist-temp-- (setq face (car --cl-dolist-temp--)) (unless 
(gethash face face-map) (let ((fstruct (if (symbolp face) 
(htmlize-face-to-fstruct face) (htmlize-attrlist-to-fstruct face)))) (setf 
(gethash face face-map) fstruct)
(let* ((css-name (htmlize-fstruct-css-name fstruct)) (new-name css-name) (i 0)) 
(while (member new-name css-names) (setq new-name (format "%s-%s" css-name 
(incf i)))) (unless (equal new-name css-name) (setf (htmlize-fstruct-css-name
fstruct) new-name)) (push new-name css-names)))) (setq --cl-dolist-temp-- (cdr 
  (let ((--cl-dolist-temp-- faces) face) (while --cl-dolist-temp-- (setq face 
(car --cl-dolist-temp--)) (unless (gethash face face-map) (let ((fstruct (if 
(symbolp face) (htmlize-face-to-fstruct face) (htmlize-attrlist-to-fstruct 
(setf (gethash face face-map) fstruct) (let* ((css-name 
(htmlize-fstruct-css-name fstruct)) (new-name css-name) (i 0)) (while (member 
new-name css-names) (setq new-name (format "%s-%s" css-name ...))) (unless 
(equal new-name css-name) (setf
(htmlize-fstruct-css-name fstruct) new-name)) (push new-name css-names)))) 
(setq --cl-dolist-temp-- (cdr --cl-dolist-temp--))) nil)
  (catch (quote --cl-block-nil--) (let ((--cl-dolist-temp-- faces) face) (while 
--cl-dolist-temp-- (setq face (car --cl-dolist-temp--)) (unless (gethash face 
face-map) (let ((fstruct (if ... ... ...))) (setf (gethash face face-map) 
(let* ((css-name ...) (new-name css-name) (i 0)) (while (member new-name 
css-names) (setq new-name ...)) (unless (equal new-name css-name) (setf ... 
new-name)) (push new-name css-names)))) (setq --cl-dolist-temp-- (cdr 
  (cl-block-wrapper (catch (quote --cl-block-nil--) (let ((--cl-dolist-temp-- 
faces) face) (while --cl-dolist-temp-- (setq face (car --cl-dolist-temp--)) 
(unless (gethash face face-map) (let ((fstruct ...)) (setf (gethash face 
fstruct) (let* (... ... ...) (while ... ...) (unless ... ...) (push new-name 
css-names)))) (setq --cl-dolist-temp-- (cdr --cl-dolist-temp--))) nil)))
  (block nil (let ((--cl-dolist-temp-- faces) face) (while --cl-dolist-temp-- 
(setq face (car --cl-dolist-temp--)) (unless (gethash face face-map) (let 
((fstruct (if ... ... ...))) (setf (gethash face face-map) fstruct) (let* 
...) (new-name css-name) (i 0)) (while (member new-name css-names) (setq 
new-name ...)) (unless (equal new-name css-name) (setf ... new-name)) (push 
new-name css-names)))) (setq --cl-dolist-temp-- (cdr --cl-dolist-temp--))) nil))
  (dolist (face faces) (unless (gethash face face-map) (let ((fstruct (if 
(symbolp face) (htmlize-face-to-fstruct face) (htmlize-attrlist-to-fstruct 
face)))) (setf (gethash face face-map) fstruct) (let* ((css-name 
fstruct)) (new-name css-name) (i 0)) (while (member new-name css-names) (setq 
new-name (format "%s-%s" css-name (incf i)))) (unless (equal new-name css-name) 
(setf (htmlize-fstruct-css-name fstruct) new-name)) (push new-name 
  (let ((face-map (make-hash-table :test (quote equal))) css-names) (dolist 
(face faces) (unless (gethash face face-map) (let ((fstruct (if (symbolp face) 
(htmlize-face-to-fstruct face) (htmlize-attrlist-to-fstruct face)))) (setf 
face face-map) fstruct) (let* ((css-name (htmlize-fstruct-css-name fstruct)) 
(new-name css-name) (i 0)) (while (member new-name css-names) (setq new-name 
(format "%s-%s" css-name ...))) (unless (equal new-name css-name) (setf
(htmlize-fstruct-css-name fstruct) new-name)) (push new-name css-names))))) 
  htmlize-make-face-map((default org-agenda-date-weekend org-agenda-diary 
org-agenda-date org-agenda-date-today))
  (let* ((buffer-faces (htmlize-faces-in-buffer)) (face-map 
(htmlize-make-face-map (adjoin (quote default) buffer-faces))) (htmlbuf 
(generate-new-buffer (if (buffer-file-name) (htmlize-make-file-name 
(buffer-file-name))) "*html*"))) (places (quote (nil nil))) (title (if 
(buffer-file-name) (file-name-nondirectory (buffer-file-name)) (buffer-name)))) 
(with-current-buffer htmlbuf (buffer-disable-undo) (insert (htmlize-method 
doctype) 10
(format "<!-- Created by htmlize-%s in %s mode. -->\n" htmlize-version 
htmlize-output-type) "<html>\n  ") (plist-put places (quote head-start) 
(point-marker)) (insert "<head>\n" "    <title>" (htmlize-protect-string title) 
"</title>\n" (if
htmlize-html-charset (format (concat "    <meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" " 
"content=\"text/html; charset=%s\">\n") htmlize-html-charset) "") 
htmlize-head-tags) (htmlize-method insert-head buffer-faces face-map) (insert " 
(plist-put places (quote head-end) (point-marker)) (insert "\n  ") (plist-put 
places (quote body-start) (point-marker)) (insert (htmlize-method body-tag 
face-map) "\n    ") (plist-put places (quote content-start) (point-marker)) 
"<pre>\n")) (let ((insert-text-method (htmlize-method-function (quote 
insert-text))) next-change text face-list fstruct-list trailing-ellipsis) 
(goto-char (point-min)) (while (not (eobp)) (setq next-change 
(htmlize-next-change (point)
(quote face))) (setq face-list (htmlize-faces-at-point) fstruct-list (delq nil 
(mapcar (lambda (f) (gethash f face-map)) face-list))) (setq text 
(htmlize-buffer-substring-no-invisible (point) next-change)) (when 
trailing-ellipsis (setq text
(htmlize-trim-ellipsis text))) (when (> (length text) 0) (setq 
trailing-ellipsis (get-text-property (1- (length text)) (quote 
htmlize-ellipsis) text))) (setq text (htmlize-untabify text (current-column))) 
(setq text (htmlize-protect-string
text)) (when (> (length text) 0) (funcall insert-text-method text fstruct-list 
htmlbuf)) (goto-char next-change))) (with-current-buffer htmlbuf (insert 
"</pre>") (plist-put places (quote content-end) (point-marker)) (insert "\n  
(plist-put places (quote body-end) (point-marker)) (insert "\n</html>\n") (when 
htmlize-generate-hyperlinks (htmlize-make-hyperlinks)) 
(htmlize-defang-local-variables) (when htmlize-replace-form-feeds (goto-char 
(point-min)) (let ((source
(htmlize-protect-string "\n\f")) (replacement (if (stringp 
htmlize-replace-form-feeds) htmlize-replace-form-feeds "</pre><hr /><pre>"))) 
(while (search-forward source nil t) (replace-match replacement t t)))) 
(goto-char (point-min)) (when
htmlize-html-major-mode (funcall htmlize-html-major-mode)) (set 
(make-local-variable (quote htmlize-buffer-places)) places) (run-hooks (quote 
htmlize-after-hook)) (buffer-enable-undo)) htmlbuf)
  (save-excursion (save-excursion (run-hooks (quote htmlize-before-hook))) 
(htmlize-ensure-fontified) (clrhash htmlize-extended-character-cache) (clrhash 
htmlize-memoization-table) (let* ((buffer-faces (htmlize-faces-in-buffer)) 
(htmlize-make-face-map (adjoin (quote default) buffer-faces))) (htmlbuf 
(generate-new-buffer (if (buffer-file-name) (htmlize-make-file-name 
(file-name-nondirectory ...)) "*html*"))) (places (quote (nil nil))) (title (if 
(file-name-nondirectory (buffer-file-name)) (buffer-name)))) 
(with-current-buffer htmlbuf (buffer-disable-undo) (insert (htmlize-method 
doctype) 10 (format "<!-- Created by htmlize-%s in %s mode. -->\n" 
htmlize-version htmlize-output-type)
"<html>\n  ") (plist-put places (quote head-start) (point-marker)) (insert 
"<head>\n" "    <title>" (htmlize-protect-string title) "</title>\n" (if 
htmlize-html-charset (format (concat "    <meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" "
"content=\"text/html; charset=%s\">\n") htmlize-html-charset) "") 
htmlize-head-tags) (htmlize-method insert-head buffer-faces face-map) (insert " 
 </head>") (plist-put places (quote head-end) (point-marker)) (insert "\n  ") 
places (quote body-start) (point-marker)) (insert (htmlize-method body-tag 
face-map) "\n    ") (plist-put places (quote content-start) (point-marker)) 
(insert "<pre>\n")) (let ((insert-text-method (htmlize-method-function (quote
insert-text))) next-change text face-list fstruct-list trailing-ellipsis) 
(goto-char (point-min)) (while (not (eobp)) (setq next-change 
(htmlize-next-change (point) (quote face))) (setq face-list 
(htmlize-faces-at-point) fstruct-list (delq
nil (mapcar (lambda ... ...) face-list))) (setq text 
(htmlize-buffer-substring-no-invisible (point) next-change)) (when 
trailing-ellipsis (setq text (htmlize-trim-ellipsis text))) (when (> (length 
text) 0) (setq trailing-ellipsis
(get-text-property (1- ...) (quote htmlize-ellipsis) text))) (setq text 
(htmlize-untabify text (current-column))) (setq text (htmlize-protect-string 
text)) (when (> (length text) 0) (funcall insert-text-method text fstruct-list 
(goto-char next-change))) (with-current-buffer htmlbuf (insert "</pre>") 
(plist-put places (quote content-end) (point-marker)) (insert "\n  </body>") 
(plist-put places (quote body-end) (point-marker)) (insert "\n</html>\n") (when
htmlize-generate-hyperlinks (htmlize-make-hyperlinks)) 
(htmlize-defang-local-variables) (when htmlize-replace-form-feeds (goto-char 
(point-min)) (let ((source (htmlize-protect-string "\n\f")) (replacement (if 
... htmlize-replace-form-feeds
"</pre><hr /><pre>"))) (while (search-forward source nil t) (replace-match 
replacement t t)))) (goto-char (point-min)) (when htmlize-html-major-mode 
(funcall htmlize-html-major-mode)) (set (make-local-variable (quote 
places) (run-hooks (quote htmlize-after-hook)) (buffer-enable-undo)) htmlbuf))
  (save-current-buffer (set-buffer (or buffer (current-buffer))) 
  (with-current-buffer (or buffer (current-buffer)) (htmlize-buffer-1))
  (let ((htmlbuf (with-current-buffer (or buffer (current-buffer)) 
(htmlize-buffer-1)))) (when (interactive-p) (switch-to-buffer htmlbuf)) htmlbuf)
  htmlize-buffer(#<buffer Agenda View>)
  (set-buffer (htmlize-buffer (current-buffer)))
  (cond ((org-bound-and-true-p org-mobile-creating-agendas) 
(org-mobile-write-agenda-for-mobile file)) ((string-match "\\.html?\\'" file) 
(require (quote htmlize)) (set-buffer (htmlize-buffer (current-buffer))) (when 
org-agenda-export-html-style (string-match "<style>" 
org-agenda-export-html-style)) (goto-char (point-min)) (kill-region (- 
(search-forward "<style") 6) (search-forward "</style>")) (insert 
org-agenda-export-html-style)) (write-file file)
(kill-buffer (current-buffer)) (message "HTML written to %s" file)) 
((string-match "\\.ps\\'" file) (require (quote ps-print)) 
(ps-print-buffer-with-faces file) (message "Postscript written to %s" file)) 
((string-match "\\.pdf\\'" file)
(require (quote ps-print)) (ps-print-buffer-with-faces (concat 
(file-name-sans-extension file) ".ps")) (call-process "ps2pdf" nil nil nil 
(expand-file-name (concat (file-name-sans-extension file) ".ps")) 
(expand-file-name file))
(delete-file (concat (file-name-sans-extension file) ".ps")) (message "PDF 
written to %s" file)) ((string-match "\\.ics\\'" file) (require (quote 
org-icalendar)) (let ((org-agenda-marker-table (org-create-marker-find-array
(org-agenda-collect-markers))) (org-icalendar-verify-function (quote 
org-check-agenda-marker-table)) (org-combined-agenda-icalendar-file file)) 
(apply (quote org-export-icalendar) (quote combine) (org-agenda-files nil 
(quote ifmode))))) (t
(let ((bs (buffer-string))) (find-file file) (erase-buffer) (insert bs) 
(save-buffer 0) (kill-buffer (current-buffer)) (message "Plain text written to 
%s" file))))
  (progn (rename-buffer "Agenda View" t) (set-buffer-modified-p nil) (insert 
bs) (org-agenda-remove-marked-text (quote org-filtered)) (while (setq beg 
(text-property-any (point-min) (point-max) (quote org-filtered) t)) 
(delete-region beg
(or (next-single-property-change beg (quote org-filtered)) (point-max)))) 
(run-hooks (quote org-agenda-before-write-hook)) (cond ((org-bound-and-true-p 
org-mobile-creating-agendas) (org-mobile-write-agenda-for-mobile file)) 
"\\.html?\\'" file) (require (quote htmlize)) (set-buffer (htmlize-buffer 
(current-buffer))) (when (and org-agenda-export-html-style (string-match 
"<style>" org-agenda-export-html-style)) (goto-char (point-min)) (kill-region (-
(search-forward "<style") 6) (search-forward "</style>")) (insert 
org-agenda-export-html-style)) (write-file file) (kill-buffer (current-buffer)) 
(message "HTML written to %s" file)) ((string-match "\\.ps\\'" file) (require 
ps-print)) (ps-print-buffer-with-faces file) (message "Postscript written to 
%s" file)) ((string-match "\\.pdf\\'" file) (require (quote ps-print)) 
(ps-print-buffer-with-faces (concat (file-name-sans-extension file) ".ps")) 
"ps2pdf" nil nil nil (expand-file-name (concat (file-name-sans-extension file) 
".ps")) (expand-file-name file)) (delete-file (concat (file-name-sans-extension 
file) ".ps")) (message "PDF written to %s" file)) ((string-match "\\.ics\\'"
file) (require (quote org-icalendar)) (let ((org-agenda-marker-table 
(org-create-marker-find-array (org-agenda-collect-markers))) 
(org-icalendar-verify-function (quote org-check-agenda-marker-table)) 
file)) (apply (quote org-export-icalendar) (quote combine) (org-agenda-files 
nil (quote ifmode))))) (t (let ((bs (buffer-string))) (find-file file) 
(erase-buffer) (insert bs) (save-buffer 0) (kill-buffer (current-buffer)) 
(message "Plain
text written to %s" file)))))
  (unwind-protect (progn (rename-buffer "Agenda View" t) (set-buffer-modified-p 
nil) (insert bs) (org-agenda-remove-marked-text (quote org-filtered)) (while 
(setq beg (text-property-any (point-min) (point-max) (quote org-filtered) t))
(delete-region beg (or (next-single-property-change beg (quote org-filtered)) 
(point-max)))) (run-hooks (quote org-agenda-before-write-hook)) (cond 
((org-bound-and-true-p org-mobile-creating-agendas) 
file)) ((string-match "\\.html?\\'" file) (require (quote htmlize)) (set-buffer 
(htmlize-buffer (current-buffer))) (when (and org-agenda-export-html-style 
(string-match "<style>" org-agenda-export-html-style)) (goto-char (point-min))
(kill-region (- (search-forward "<style") 6) (search-forward "</style>")) 
(insert org-agenda-export-html-style)) (write-file file) (kill-buffer 
(current-buffer)) (message "HTML written to %s" file)) ((string-match 
"\\.ps\\'" file) (require
(quote ps-print)) (ps-print-buffer-with-faces file) (message "Postscript 
written to %s" file)) ((string-match "\\.pdf\\'" file) (require (quote 
ps-print)) (ps-print-buffer-with-faces (concat (file-name-sans-extension file) 
(call-process "ps2pdf" nil nil nil (expand-file-name (concat 
(file-name-sans-extension file) ".ps")) (expand-file-name file)) (delete-file 
(concat (file-name-sans-extension file) ".ps")) (message "PDF written to %s" 
file)) ((string-match
"\\.ics\\'" file) (require (quote org-icalendar)) (let 
((org-agenda-marker-table (org-create-marker-find-array ...)) 
(org-icalendar-verify-function (quote org-check-agenda-marker-table)) 
(org-combined-agenda-icalendar-file file)) (apply
(quote org-export-icalendar) (quote combine) (org-agenda-files nil (quote 
ifmode))))) (t (let ((bs (buffer-string))) (find-file file) (erase-buffer) 
(insert bs) (save-buffer 0) (kill-buffer (current-buffer)) (message "Plain text 
written to
%s" file))))) (and (buffer-name temp-buffer) (kill-buffer temp-buffer)))
  (save-current-buffer (set-buffer temp-buffer) (unwind-protect (progn 
(rename-buffer "Agenda View" t) (set-buffer-modified-p nil) (insert bs) 
(org-agenda-remove-marked-text (quote org-filtered)) (while (setq beg 
(point-min) (point-max) (quote org-filtered) t)) (delete-region beg (or 
(next-single-property-change beg (quote org-filtered)) (point-max)))) 
(run-hooks (quote org-agenda-before-write-hook)) (cond ((org-bound-and-true-p
org-mobile-creating-agendas) (org-mobile-write-agenda-for-mobile file)) 
((string-match "\\.html?\\'" file) (require (quote htmlize)) (set-buffer 
(htmlize-buffer (current-buffer))) (when (and org-agenda-export-html-style 
"<style>" org-agenda-export-html-style)) (goto-char (point-min)) (kill-region 
(- ... 6) (search-forward "</style>")) (insert org-agenda-export-html-style)) 
(write-file file) (kill-buffer (current-buffer)) (message "HTML written to %s"
file)) ((string-match "\\.ps\\'" file) (require (quote ps-print)) 
(ps-print-buffer-with-faces file) (message "Postscript written to %s" file)) 
((string-match "\\.pdf\\'" file) (require (quote ps-print)) 
(ps-print-buffer-with-faces (concat
(file-name-sans-extension file) ".ps")) (call-process "ps2pdf" nil nil nil 
(expand-file-name (concat ... ".ps")) (expand-file-name file)) (delete-file 
(concat (file-name-sans-extension file) ".ps")) (message "PDF written to %s" 
((string-match "\\.ics\\'" file) (require (quote org-icalendar)) (let 
((org-agenda-marker-table ...) (org-icalendar-verify-function ...) 
(org-combined-agenda-icalendar-file file)) (apply (quote org-export-icalendar) 
(quote combine)
(org-agenda-files nil ...)))) (t (let ((bs ...)) (find-file file) 
(erase-buffer) (insert bs) (save-buffer 0) (kill-buffer (current-buffer)) 
(message "Plain text written to %s" file))))) (and (buffer-name temp-buffer) 
  (with-current-buffer temp-buffer (unwind-protect (progn (rename-buffer 
"Agenda View" t) (set-buffer-modified-p nil) (insert bs) 
(org-agenda-remove-marked-text (quote org-filtered)) (while (setq beg 
(text-property-any (point-min)
(point-max) (quote org-filtered) t)) (delete-region beg (or 
(next-single-property-change beg (quote org-filtered)) (point-max)))) 
(run-hooks (quote org-agenda-before-write-hook)) (cond ((org-bound-and-true-p 
(org-mobile-write-agenda-for-mobile file)) ((string-match "\\.html?\\'" file) 
(require (quote htmlize)) (set-buffer (htmlize-buffer (current-buffer))) (when 
(and org-agenda-export-html-style (string-match "<style>"
org-agenda-export-html-style)) (goto-char (point-min)) (kill-region (- ... 6) 
(search-forward "</style>")) (insert org-agenda-export-html-style)) (write-file 
file) (kill-buffer (current-buffer)) (message "HTML written to %s" file))
((string-match "\\.ps\\'" file) (require (quote ps-print)) 
(ps-print-buffer-with-faces file) (message "Postscript written to %s" file)) 
((string-match "\\.pdf\\'" file) (require (quote ps-print)) 
(ps-print-buffer-with-faces (concat
(file-name-sans-extension file) ".ps")) (call-process "ps2pdf" nil nil nil 
(expand-file-name (concat ... ".ps")) (expand-file-name file)) (delete-file 
(concat (file-name-sans-extension file) ".ps")) (message "PDF written to %s" 
((string-match "\\.ics\\'" file) (require (quote org-icalendar)) (let 
((org-agenda-marker-table ...) (org-icalendar-verify-function ...) 
(org-combined-agenda-icalendar-file file)) (apply (quote org-export-icalendar) 
(quote combine)
(org-agenda-files nil ...)))) (t (let ((bs ...)) (find-file file) 
(erase-buffer) (insert bs) (save-buffer 0) (kill-buffer (current-buffer)) 
(message "Plain text written to %s" file))))) (and (buffer-name temp-buffer) 
  (let ((temp-buffer (generate-new-buffer " *temp*"))) (with-current-buffer 
temp-buffer (unwind-protect (progn (rename-buffer "Agenda View" t) 
(set-buffer-modified-p nil) (insert bs) (org-agenda-remove-marked-text (quote 
(while (setq beg (text-property-any (point-min) (point-max) (quote 
org-filtered) t)) (delete-region beg (or (next-single-property-change beg ...) 
(point-max)))) (run-hooks (quote org-agenda-before-write-hook)) (cond 
org-mobile-creating-agendas) (org-mobile-write-agenda-for-mobile file)) 
((string-match "\\.html?\\'" file) (require (quote htmlize)) (set-buffer 
(htmlize-buffer ...)) (when (and org-agenda-export-html-style ...) (goto-char 
...) (kill-region
... ...) (insert org-agenda-export-html-style)) (write-file file) (kill-buffer 
(current-buffer)) (message "HTML written to %s" file)) ((string-match 
"\\.ps\\'" file) (require (quote ps-print)) (ps-print-buffer-with-faces file) 
"Postscript written to %s" file)) ((string-match "\\.pdf\\'" file) (require 
(quote ps-print)) (ps-print-buffer-with-faces (concat ... ".ps")) (call-process 
"ps2pdf" nil nil nil (expand-file-name ...) (expand-file-name file)) 
(concat ... ".ps")) (message "PDF written to %s" file)) ((string-match 
"\\.ics\\'" file) (require (quote org-icalendar)) (let (... ... ...) (apply ... 
... ...))) (t (let (...) (find-file file) (erase-buffer) (insert bs) 
(save-buffer 0)
(kill-buffer ...) (message "Plain text written to %s" file))))) (and 
(buffer-name temp-buffer) (kill-buffer temp-buffer)))))
  (with-temp-buffer (rename-buffer "Agenda View" t) (set-buffer-modified-p nil) 
(insert bs) (org-agenda-remove-marked-text (quote org-filtered)) (while (setq 
beg (text-property-any (point-min) (point-max) (quote org-filtered) t))
(delete-region beg (or (next-single-property-change beg (quote org-filtered)) 
(point-max)))) (run-hooks (quote org-agenda-before-write-hook)) (cond 
((org-bound-and-true-p org-mobile-creating-agendas) 
file)) ((string-match "\\.html?\\'" file) (require (quote htmlize)) (set-buffer 
(htmlize-buffer (current-buffer))) (when (and org-agenda-export-html-style 
(string-match "<style>" org-agenda-export-html-style)) (goto-char (point-min))
(kill-region (- (search-forward "<style") 6) (search-forward "</style>")) 
(insert org-agenda-export-html-style)) (write-file file) (kill-buffer 
(current-buffer)) (message "HTML written to %s" file)) ((string-match 
"\\.ps\\'" file) (require
(quote ps-print)) (ps-print-buffer-with-faces file) (message "Postscript 
written to %s" file)) ((string-match "\\.pdf\\'" file) (require (quote 
ps-print)) (ps-print-buffer-with-faces (concat (file-name-sans-extension file) 
(call-process "ps2pdf" nil nil nil (expand-file-name (concat 
(file-name-sans-extension file) ".ps")) (expand-file-name file)) (delete-file 
(concat (file-name-sans-extension file) ".ps")) (message "PDF written to %s" 
file)) ((string-match
"\\.ics\\'" file) (require (quote org-icalendar)) (let 
((org-agenda-marker-table (org-create-marker-find-array 
(org-agenda-collect-markers))) (org-icalendar-verify-function (quote 
(org-combined-agenda-icalendar-file file)) (apply (quote org-export-icalendar) 
(quote combine) (org-agenda-files nil (quote ifmode))))) (t (let ((bs 
(buffer-string))) (find-file file) (erase-buffer) (insert bs) (save-buffer 0) 
(current-buffer)) (message "Plain text written to %s" file)))))
  (let ((bs (copy-sequence (buffer-string))) beg) 
(org-agenda-unmark-filtered-text) (with-temp-buffer (rename-buffer "Agenda 
View" t) (set-buffer-modified-p nil) (insert bs) (org-agenda-remove-marked-text 
(quote org-filtered)) (while (setq
beg (text-property-any (point-min) (point-max) (quote org-filtered) t)) 
(delete-region beg (or (next-single-property-change beg (quote org-filtered)) 
(point-max)))) (run-hooks (quote org-agenda-before-write-hook)) (cond
((org-bound-and-true-p org-mobile-creating-agendas) 
(org-mobile-write-agenda-for-mobile file)) ((string-match "\\.html?\\'" file) 
(require (quote htmlize)) (set-buffer (htmlize-buffer (current-buffer))) (when 
org-agenda-export-html-style (string-match "<style>" 
org-agenda-export-html-style)) (goto-char (point-min)) (kill-region (- 
(search-forward "<style") 6) (search-forward "</style>")) (insert 
org-agenda-export-html-style)) (write-file file)
(kill-buffer (current-buffer)) (message "HTML written to %s" file)) 
((string-match "\\.ps\\'" file) (require (quote ps-print)) 
(ps-print-buffer-with-faces file) (message "Postscript written to %s" file)) 
((string-match "\\.pdf\\'" file)
(require (quote ps-print)) (ps-print-buffer-with-faces (concat 
(file-name-sans-extension file) ".ps")) (call-process "ps2pdf" nil nil nil 
(expand-file-name (concat (file-name-sans-extension file) ".ps")) 
(expand-file-name file))
(delete-file (concat (file-name-sans-extension file) ".ps")) (message "PDF 
written to %s" file)) ((string-match "\\.ics\\'" file) (require (quote 
org-icalendar)) (let ((org-agenda-marker-table (org-create-marker-find-array 
(org-icalendar-verify-function (quote org-check-agenda-marker-table)) 
(org-combined-agenda-icalendar-file file)) (apply (quote org-export-icalendar) 
(quote combine) (org-agenda-files nil (quote ifmode))))) (t (let ((bs 
(find-file file) (erase-buffer) (insert bs) (save-buffer 0) (kill-buffer 
(current-buffer)) (message "Plain text written to %s" file))))))
  (save-window-excursion (org-agenda-mark-filtered-text) (let ((bs 
(copy-sequence (buffer-string))) beg) (org-agenda-unmark-filtered-text) 
(with-temp-buffer (rename-buffer "Agenda View" t) (set-buffer-modified-p nil) 
(insert bs)
(org-agenda-remove-marked-text (quote org-filtered)) (while (setq beg 
(text-property-any (point-min) (point-max) (quote org-filtered) t)) 
(delete-region beg (or (next-single-property-change beg (quote org-filtered)) 
(run-hooks (quote org-agenda-before-write-hook)) (cond ((org-bound-and-true-p 
org-mobile-creating-agendas) (org-mobile-write-agenda-for-mobile file)) 
((string-match "\\.html?\\'" file) (require (quote htmlize)) (set-buffer 
(current-buffer))) (when (and org-agenda-export-html-style (string-match 
"<style>" org-agenda-export-html-style)) (goto-char (point-min)) (kill-region 
(- ... 6) (search-forward "</style>")) (insert org-agenda-export-html-style)) 
file) (kill-buffer (current-buffer)) (message "HTML written to %s" file)) 
((string-match "\\.ps\\'" file) (require (quote ps-print)) 
(ps-print-buffer-with-faces file) (message "Postscript written to %s" file)) 
((string-match "\\.pdf\\'"
file) (require (quote ps-print)) (ps-print-buffer-with-faces (concat 
(file-name-sans-extension file) ".ps")) (call-process "ps2pdf" nil nil nil 
(expand-file-name (concat ... ".ps")) (expand-file-name file)) (delete-file 
(file-name-sans-extension file) ".ps")) (message "PDF written to %s" file)) 
((string-match "\\.ics\\'" file) (require (quote org-icalendar)) (let 
((org-agenda-marker-table ...) (org-icalendar-verify-function ...)
(org-combined-agenda-icalendar-file file)) (apply (quote org-export-icalendar) 
(quote combine) (org-agenda-files nil ...)))) (t (let ((bs ...)) (find-file 
file) (erase-buffer) (insert bs) (save-buffer 0) (kill-buffer (current-buffer))
(message "Plain text written to %s" file)))))))
  (save-excursion (save-window-excursion (org-agenda-mark-filtered-text) (let 
((bs (copy-sequence (buffer-string))) beg) (org-agenda-unmark-filtered-text) 
(with-temp-buffer (rename-buffer "Agenda View" t) (set-buffer-modified-p nil) 
bs) (org-agenda-remove-marked-text (quote org-filtered)) (while (setq beg 
(text-property-any (point-min) (point-max) (quote org-filtered) t)) 
(delete-region beg (or (next-single-property-change beg ...) (point-max)))) 
(run-hooks (quote
org-agenda-before-write-hook)) (cond ((org-bound-and-true-p 
org-mobile-creating-agendas) (org-mobile-write-agenda-for-mobile file)) 
((string-match "\\.html?\\'" file) (require (quote htmlize)) (set-buffer 
(htmlize-buffer ...)) (when (and
org-agenda-export-html-style ...) (goto-char ...) (kill-region ... ...) (insert 
org-agenda-export-html-style)) (write-file file) (kill-buffer (current-buffer)) 
(message "HTML written to %s" file)) ((string-match "\\.ps\\'" file) (require
(quote ps-print)) (ps-print-buffer-with-faces file) (message "Postscript 
written to %s" file)) ((string-match "\\.pdf\\'" file) (require (quote 
ps-print)) (ps-print-buffer-with-faces (concat ... ".ps")) (call-process 
"ps2pdf" nil nil nil
(expand-file-name ...) (expand-file-name file)) (delete-file (concat ... 
".ps")) (message "PDF written to %s" file)) ((string-match "\\.ics\\'" file) 
(require (quote org-icalendar)) (let (... ... ...) (apply ... ... ...))) (t 
(let (...)
(find-file file) (erase-buffer) (insert bs) (save-buffer 0) (kill-buffer ...) 
(message "Plain text written to %s" file))))))))
  (let nil (save-excursion (save-window-excursion 
(org-agenda-mark-filtered-text) (let ((bs (copy-sequence (buffer-string))) beg) 
(org-agenda-unmark-filtered-text) (with-temp-buffer (rename-buffer "Agenda 
View" t) (set-buffer-modified-p
nil) (insert bs) (org-agenda-remove-marked-text (quote org-filtered)) (while 
(setq beg (text-property-any ... ... ... t)) (delete-region beg (or ... ...))) 
(run-hooks (quote org-agenda-before-write-hook)) (cond ((org-bound-and-true-p
org-mobile-creating-agendas) (org-mobile-write-agenda-for-mobile file)) 
((string-match "\\.html?\\'" file) (require ...) (set-buffer ...) (when ... ... 
... ...) (write-file file) (kill-buffer ...) (message "HTML written to %s" 
((string-match "\\.ps\\'" file) (require ...) (ps-print-buffer-with-faces file) 
(message "Postscript written to %s" file)) ((string-match "\\.pdf\\'" file) 
(require ...) (ps-print-buffer-with-faces ...) (call-process "ps2pdf" nil nil 
... ...) (delete-file ...) (message "PDF written to %s" file)) ((string-match 
"\\.ics\\'" file) (require ...) (let ... ...)) (t (let ... ... ... ... ... ... 
...))))))) #<buffer *Org Agenda*>)
  eval((let nil (save-excursion (save-window-excursion 
(org-agenda-mark-filtered-text) (let ((bs (copy-sequence (buffer-string))) beg) 
(org-agenda-unmark-filtered-text) (with-temp-buffer (rename-buffer "Agenda 
View" t)
(set-buffer-modified-p nil) (insert bs) (org-agenda-remove-marked-text (quote 
org-filtered)) (while (setq beg (text-property-any ... ... ... t)) 
(delete-region beg (or ... ...))) (run-hooks (quote 
org-agenda-before-write-hook)) (cond
((org-bound-and-true-p org-mobile-creating-agendas) 
(org-mobile-write-agenda-for-mobile file)) ((string-match "\\.html?\\'" file) 
(require ...) (set-buffer ...) (when ... ... ... ...) (write-file file) 
(kill-buffer ...) (message "HTML
written to %s" file)) ((string-match "\\.ps\\'" file) (require ...) 
(ps-print-buffer-with-faces file) (message "Postscript written to %s" file)) 
((string-match "\\.pdf\\'" file) (require ...) (ps-print-buffer-with-faces ...) 
"ps2pdf" nil nil nil ... ...) (delete-file ...) (message "PDF written to %s" 
file)) ((string-match "\\.ics\\'" file) (require ...) (let ... ...)) (t (let 
... ... ... ... ... ... ...))))))) #<buffer *Org Agenda*>))
  org-let(nil (save-excursion (save-window-excursion 
(org-agenda-mark-filtered-text) (let ((bs (copy-sequence (buffer-string))) beg) 
(org-agenda-unmark-filtered-text) (with-temp-buffer (rename-buffer "Agenda 
View" t) (set-buffer-modified-p
nil) (insert bs) (org-agenda-remove-marked-text (quote org-filtered)) (while 
(setq beg (text-property-any (point-min) (point-max) (quote org-filtered) t)) 
(delete-region beg (or (next-single-property-change beg ...) (point-max))))
(run-hooks (quote org-agenda-before-write-hook)) (cond ((org-bound-and-true-p 
org-mobile-creating-agendas) (org-mobile-write-agenda-for-mobile file)) 
((string-match "\\.html?\\'" file) (require (quote htmlize)) (set-buffer 
...)) (when (and org-agenda-export-html-style ...) (goto-char ...) (kill-region 
... ...) (insert org-agenda-export-html-style)) (write-file file) (kill-buffer 
(current-buffer)) (message "HTML written to %s" file)) ((string-match "\\.ps\\'"
file) (require (quote ps-print)) (ps-print-buffer-with-faces file) (message 
"Postscript written to %s" file)) ((string-match "\\.pdf\\'" file) (require 
(quote ps-print)) (ps-print-buffer-with-faces (concat ... ".ps")) (call-process 
nil nil nil (expand-file-name ...) (expand-file-name file)) (delete-file 
(concat ... ".ps")) (message "PDF written to %s" file)) ((string-match 
"\\.ics\\'" file) (require (quote org-icalendar)) (let (... ... ...) (apply ... 
... ...))) (t
(let (...) (find-file file) (erase-buffer) (insert bs) (save-buffer 0) 
(kill-buffer ...) (message "Plain text written to %s" file)))))))) #<buffer 
*Org Agenda*>)
  org-write-agenda(#("h:/agenda.html" 9 10 (rear-nonsticky t)) nil)
  call-interactively(org-write-agenda nil nil)
#+AUTHOR:    Rainer Stengele
#+EMAIL:     rainer@STENGELEPC
#+DATE:      2011-07-14 Do
#+OPTIONS:   H:7 num:t toc:t \n:nil @:t ::t |:t ^:nil -:t f:t *:t <:nil
#+OPTIONS:   TeX:t LaTeX:t skip:t d:nil todo:nil pri:nil tags:nil
#+INFOJS_OPT: view:nil toc:nil ltoc:t mouse:underline buttons:0 path:

* Test
** header 2
   - item 1
     * subitem 11
     * subitem 12
   - item 2
     * subitem 21
     * subitem 22

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