> Here's the attempt to comment, and the line:
> ** [2011-05-24 Tue 10:23] Sexp for an Org-mode reocurring appointment,
> only on weekdays Published in: Emacs Lisp, [[
> http://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/emacs/Sexp-Diary-Entries.html][here
> ]]

What do you mean? What have you tried?

> :,----
> :|     * APPT Daily Scrum
> :|     <%%(let ((dayname (calendar-day-of-week date))(day (car (cdr 
> date))))(memq dayname '(1 2 3 4 5)))>
> :|    [2009-07-01 Wed]
> :`----

Anyway: Begin the org-sexp line with a `#' - the usual org comment character.


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