Dov Grobgeld <> writes:
> I'm not sure that emacs is the best tool to e.g. generate a template png
> file of a given size and given background, or a svg file. I still don't feel
> that any of the proposed solutions solves the file:foo.svg edit scenario,
> where foo.svg does not exist yet. Also I would rather differentiate between
> opening a few for viewing and opening a file for editing, as e.g. eog and
> inkview are good for viewing, whereas gimp and inkscape are better for
> editing.

I used to do what you request on a dayly base creating SVGs from
GPX-Data.  I Use a special link type:

[[track:((12.0399212 14.919293)(32.12394 15.342345))FILE.svg][Name of track]]


and follow the function `osm-org-link-follow'.

If the SVG-Map for the track does not exist, it calls code from
to create it.

It's seems a bit complicated in that example, as the name and size of
the resulting SVG image depends on the area, customized zoom factor
a.s.o.  but this second file boils down to approx. 50 lines for your use

Either a PNG (not tested for a long time - I don't think it works....)
or an SVG (I use this on a dayly basis) is created, depending on your
choice.  You'll need image-magick to create PNGs while SVG is a simple
text (XML) format, so emacs should be as good as any tool to create it.

The track is drawn on top of background-images I download from (customize google-maps if you like those better) in
the function `osm-draw-track'.  That's where your SVG-template would
come to life.

Once that file exists, it's easy to open it an editor.  The function
mentioned first calls `osm-org-image-viewer-function' which in turn
opens the prepared image:

In your case (provided inkscape is in your path):

Attachment: binxhUP8DvJdL.bin
Description: application/emacs-lisp

....and don't forget to share the results :)

Best wishes


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