Hi, Bastien,

I think this would open up interesting possibilities if implemented. Taggroups should be nestable, so

#+TAGGROUP: :colour: :red:green:
#+TAGGROUP: :red: :crimson:scarlet:

would make searches for "colour" would display entries with "scarlet" (perhaps this is self-evident, I don't know).


On 7/19/11 1:45 AM, Bastien wrote:
Hi John,

thanks for your input.

What I'm thinking about is this simple idea:

#+TAGGROUP: :colour: :red:green:

in such a way that:

1. searches for :red: will continue to display entries with :red:
2. searches for :colour: will display entries with :red: and/or :green:

Would this be useful already?

Would this go into the right direction for solving your problem?


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