
'@II..@III' means all rows between the second and third h-lines. In
your case, this is the same vsum(), so you get a circular reference.

Try @I..@II instead


On Fri, Jul 22, 2011 at 06:48:36PM +0000, ken.willi...@thomsonreuters.com wrote:
> Hi,  I had the following text in a table, and hit <tab> in the
> bottom-right cell:
> | Who |     Amt     |
> |-----+---------|
> | A   |   36.70 |
> | A   |  679.96 |
> | B   |  192.31 |
> | B   | 2500.03 |
> | B   |   74.47 |
> | C   |   26.64 |
> | D   |   82.00 |
> |-----+---------|
> |     | :=vsum(@II..@III)       |
> This caused CPU usage to peg to 100%, and Emacs to hang until killed.
> Probably because of the invalid reference, I guess.

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