Karl Voit <devn...@karl-voit.at> writes:

> How can I refer to an ID in another Org-mode file (withing the same
> folder)?
> I was searching in the Org-mode manual but could not find any
> solution for my problem. Either this is not possible or I could not
> find the (existing) solution yet.

,----[ (info "(org)Search options") ]
|    Here is the syntax of the different ways to attach a search to a file
| link, together with an explanation:
|      [[file:~/code/main.c::255]]
|      [[file:~/xx.org::My Target]]
|      [[file:~/xx.org::*My Target]]
!      [[file:~/xx.org::#my-custom-id]]
|      [[file:~/xx.org::/regexp/]]



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