
Thanks for the quick follow up. I'm encouraged to know that there is an
active community here.

I'm using Emacs 23, but I've been trying to get my org files to sync between
Ubuntu (which has 'GNU Emacs 23', 'Emacs Snapshot (Client)', and 'Emacs
Snapshot (GTK)'), OSX with Aquamacs, and my Android phone. I believe that I
got the package manager installed on one of the linux emacs clients as I was
looking through a list of packages to install, but I can't remember which
one. Now M-x list-packages RET shows "[No match]", so I can't confirm it.
I'm confused why it would have worked before and not now.

A few considerations:
- The ELPA instructions are for Emacs 22, not 23 (but like I said, I believe
I had it working before)
- I didn't change the ~/elisp/ path from the package manager installation
- If I skip ahead in the Worg instructions to test whether the installation
was successful by locating the library, I get the following return: "Library
is file /usr/share/emacs/23.2/lisp/org/org.elc"

Anything else I might be missing?


On Sun, Jul 24, 2011 at 7:36 PM, Bastien <> wrote:

> Hi Max,
> Max Roberts-Zirker <> writes:
> > Following step 4 of the Worg instructions to install ELPA
> > ( in order to
> > upgrade to a newer version of Org-Mode:
> >
> > "If you are here it means that org is unavailable in the GNU's
> > archives. Report this discrepancy to Orgmode mailing
> > list. <> "
> >
> > I'm reporting that I didn't find "org" as an option when I (finally) got
> > the ELPA package manager installed. I'll try updating from a tarball.
> What version of Emacs are you using?
> I just did M-x list-packages RET and Org is listed here, version
> 20110724, indicating this is yesterday's snapshot.
> --
>  Bastien

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