Hi Rasmus,

At Fri, 22 Jul 2011 11:12:46 +0200,
Rasmus wrote:
> :
> > * Display multiple-lines items (the source splits an item multiple lines.)
> >
> > This is not so difficult. In this mechanism, the source objects can
> > propose some formats, for example, "15:00 appointment" and ("15:00-15:30" 
> > "appointment"). Then, calfw chooses the suitable format and displays 
> > in the current layout algorithm.
> It could be a string similar to how BBDB, Gnus and other Emacs mode does
> it. See for example (describe-variable 'gnus-summary-line-format).
> User could specify calfw:timeview-format "%Starttime-%Endtime: %Event"
> or whatever. 

Thanks for references.
I will check them.

> > * Word-wrapping and folding lines (calfw splits lines within a column.)
> >
> > This is little difficult. I think word-wrapping, folding lines and
> > truncating strings can not be achieved in the narrow columns
> > straightforwardly. I need a time to study this issue.
> Hmm, 
> I guess the width of column is calculated when generating the view. 
> I'll use pseudo-code as my Emacs Lisp isn't great.  
> #+begin_src emacs-lisp
>   (if (> (calfw:timeview-entry-length) (calfw:column-length))
>    (#split-entry after column-length, preferbly after word
>     # and retur
>    )    
> #+end_src
> I hope it makes sense. . . 

Yes. The code is the start point. I would discuss how to split a line.
I show two simple code as following:
(Note: These codes include Japanese characters.)

* Simple counting and splitting

This code splits words mechanically. I think it is bad for the Western
languages. However, for the Eastern Asian languages, this result is
not bad.

#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(let ((str "The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog. The 
internationalization and Localization are long words. 日本語を含むときの場合。")
      (fill-column 10))
  (loop with ret = nil
        with curcol = 0 with lastpos = 0
        with endpos = (1- (length str))
        for i from 0 upto endpos
        for c = (aref str i)
        for w = (char-width c)
        if (or (= endpos i) (<= fill-column (+ curcol w))) do
        (push (substring str lastpos (1+ i)) ret)
        (setq lastpos (1+ i) curcol 0)
        else do
        (incf curcol w)
        finally return (mapconcat 'identity (nreverse ret) "\n")))
; => 
"The quick 
brown fox 
jumped ove
r the lazy
 dog. The 
 and Local
ization ar
e long wor
ds. 日本語

* Word-wrapping by fill function of Emacs

This splitting is smarter, but not perfect.
Long words are still need truncation or hyphenation.

#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(let ((str "The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog. The 
internationalization and Localization are long words. 日本語を含むときの場合。")
      (fill-column 10))
    (insert str)
    (fill-region (point-min) (point-max))
; => 
"The quick
brown fox
over the
dog. The
are long
words. 日本

So, I think I should study the word-wrapping algorithm.
If someone knows better algorithm or implementations, please let me

SAKURAI, Masashi (family, given)

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