On Tue, Jul 26, 2011 at 2:03 PM, Eric Schulte <schulte.e...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> First, I use org-mode to keep my recipes. Here is the format I use:
>> [...]
>>> and so on. I have some methods to convert units back & forth from
>>> metric & narrow a recipe to ingredients only, though I think this is
>>> probably not really useful. I would be happy to provide this if you
>>> like.
>> Sorry this is a little old, but if you're still willing to provide some
>> functions, I'd like to see them! I'm using org mode to keep track of
>> baking recipes, which are traditionally recorded as ratios of ingredient
>> weights, which are then used to calculate an actual recipe based on how
>> much dough you want. Any food for thought regarding programmatic
>> manipulation of properties would be very welcome…
> +1
> I also use Org-mode to hold recipes.  Currently I just hold the
> ingredients in a standard list with informally specified amounts, but I
> would be interested to see other approaches and any functions for
> automatic recipe manipulation.
> Incidentally I also do some baking, and while I don't currently measure
> my ingredients by weight I would be interested to see (or help
> brainstorm) a mechanism for reifying percentages into actual weights.

I wouldn't mind seeing this, either. I've looked for a while at trying
to input my wife's recipes into something for her that would be
printable/exportable into perhaps a small binder or card box or
something. I've played around with gourmet with varying success but
not been entirely happy. It's been buggy for me when it comes to
printing.[1] At the very least, someone can try it out for it's
converting/unit suggestions, as they are fantastic.

Most here may work directly from org, but if recipes *are*
implemented, an exporter or two for half-page or index card sizes
would be *phenomenal.*



[1] http://grecipe-manager.sourceforge.net/

> Cheers -- Eric
> --
> Eric Schulte
> http://cs.unm.edu/~eschulte/

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