Tassilo Horn <tass...@member.fsf.org> writes:


> To my best knowledge, Andoid does not support Java ME.  It uses a
> flavour of Java, but not ME.

Sorry for this...

> From wikipedia:
>   Android
>   =======
>   The Android open-source software stack consists of Java applications
>   running on a Java-based, object-oriented application framework on top
>   of Java core libraries running on a Dalvik virtual machine featuring
>   JIT compilation.
>   Java Platform, Micro Edition
>   ============================
>   There are more than 2.1 billion Java ME enabled mobile phones and
>   PDAs,[2] but it is becoming old technology as it is not used on any of
>   today's newest mobile platforms (e.g. iPhone, Android, Windows Phone
>   7, MeeGo, BlackBerry's new QNX).

Today's newest mobile platform does not necessarily mean today's newest
phones --- still there are some less expensive phones supporting Java

> And there is already MobileOrg for Android:
>   https://github.com/matburt/mobileorg-android/wiki/

Well, that's fine.

> Bye,
> Tassilo

Carl Lei (XeCycle)
Department of Physics, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
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