Hello Peter

Thanks for your interest in scrlttr2.

> Hi,
> Since a few days i use the scrlttr2 org-mode implementation of
> Jambunathan. His work was posted in this list:
> http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/emacs-orgmode/2010-09/msg01264.html
> http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/emacs-orgmode/2010-09/msg01266.html
> His 4 .el files are placed in ~/emacs/contrib/scrlttr2 and are loaded
> in _emacs (commented out my own configuration).
> I then start emacs, open brief.scrlttr2, Ctrl-c Ctrl-e d opens the
> attached pdf file. I included the intermediate brief.tex.
> As the pdf shows, there is a for the most blank first page with "none"
> from the \maketitle statement. Whatever i do, this statement keeps
> getting generated.
> How can I remove this?

>From my end, I am seeing that \maketitle is no longer produced. Did you
revert the org/scrlttr2 file after adding the following line?

| #+BIND: org-export-latex-title-command ""

As an alternative you can also do a C-c C-c on the above line and you
will find yourself being questioned with:

| Allow BIND values in this buffer? (y or n)  y

The generation of above query is controlled by the following variable 

,----[ C-h v org-export-allow-BIND RET ]
| org-export-allow-BIND is a variable defined in `org-exp.el'.
| Its value is confirm
| Documentation:
| Non-nil means allow #+BIND to define local variable values for export.
| This is a potential security risk, which is why the user must confirm the
| use of these lines.
| You can customize this variable.
| [back]

You may also want to check that variable.

On export to scrlttr2, Org creates a "*Org PDF LaTeX Output*" buffer
that contains some errors [1].  Inspite of this a pdf file is
produced. The errors are because of extra newlines in \encl and \closing
commands. The attached "patch" to org-latex.el removes this extra
newline. If there is some interest from maintainer's side I can create a
formal patch for org-latex.el[2].

diff --git a/lisp/org-latex.el b/lisp/org-latex.el
index bd9c113..7196499 100644
--- a/lisp/org-latex.el
+++ b/lisp/org-latex.el
@@ -1252,7 +1252,7 @@ numbered sections and lower levels as unnumbered 
          (setq start (if num (car sec) (cdr sec))))
        (insert (format start (if main-heading main-heading heading)
                        (or sub-heading "")))
-       (insert "\n")
+       ;; (insert      "\n")
        (when label
          (insert (mapconcat (lambda (l) (format "\\label{%s}" l))
                             label-list "\n") "\n"))

As a side note, if the "to" section of the scrlttr2 file contains a bbdb
link as below

| ** to
|    [[bbdb:Richard%20Stallman][bbdb:Richard Stallman]]

and you have BBDB entry with the address for the above person as shown

| Richard Stallman - Free Software Foundation
|          Office: 51 Franklin St
|                Boston, MA  02110
|                US
|             net: r...@gnu.org

then org-scrlttr2 is intelligent enough to expand the snail mail address

Jambunathan K.


[1] Dump of error lines while compiling tex file generated by
scrlttr2. Note the reference to paragraphs in \encl and \closing lines.

| Overfull \hbox (142.92982pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 43--43
| $[]$ 
| Location field: empty
| Reference line: only place and date
| Title: no
| Subject: before opening
| Runaway argument?
| { 
| ! Paragraph ended before \encl was complete.
| <to be read again> 
|                    \par 
| l.50 
| ! Extra }, or forgotten \endgroup.
| l.57 }
| Runaway argument?
| { 
| ! Paragraph ended before \closing was complete.
| <to be read again> 
|                    \par 
| l.60 
| ! Extra }, or forgotten \endgroup.
| l.62 }
| [1{C:/Documents and Settings/kjambunathan/Local Settings/Application 
| X/2.8/pdftex/config/pdftex.map}]
| ("c:\Documents and Settings\kjambunathan\My Documents\My 
| tr2\sample-scrlttr2.aux") )
| (see the transcript file for additional information){C:/Program Files/MiKTeX 
| 8/fonts/enc/dvips/fontname/8r.enc}<C:/Program Files/MiKTeX 
| helvetic/uhvr8a.pfb><C:/Program Files/MiKTeX 
| fb>
| Output written on sample-scrlttr2.pdf (1 page, 26984 bytes).
| Transcript written on sample-scrlttr2.log.

[2] scrlttr2 is a hack. Nevertheless a clean patch can be applied to
org-latex.el by moving the "\n" to the sectioning options of


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