Marcelo de Moraes Serpa <> writes:

> What's the largest orgmode file you have, and what's the performance
> you get while manipulating/navigating it? Mine is a 5k lines file
> called, and I basically keep all kind of notes and
> attachments there. It's a bit slow to navigate on my Emacs 240.50.1,
> orgmode 7.4, although still usable. I'm just afraid that it will keep
> getting slower with time at the point of being unusable inside
> emacs+orgmode. I'm curious if there are users with larger orgmode
> files and what their experience is, and open to suggestions on how to
> improve performance.

My largest .org file is 6120 lines, 306741 bytes but I have 51 files
contributing to my agenda for a total of 29488 lines, 1,263,120 bytes

My archive files are much bigger but not normally accessed.  This is on
a 32 bit linux system and the only slow thing I have is 5 seconds to
generate my block agenda which includes all of my org files.

Archiving things you don't need is the best way to keep things fast I
think.  You can still search the archive from the agenda if necessary.


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