Hello Tim,

On Wed, Aug 3, 2011 at 4:35 PM,  <tcb...@rochester.rr.com> wrote:
> While I have the table from org-collector I do not know how to "easily pass 
> it to code blocks".

I have put an example of passing tables to gnuplot source blocks below.
I hope you can adapt it to the source block of your choice. It also
illustrates the noweb syntax.

I hope this helps.


#+BABEL: :noweb yes :results silent

* Gnuplot source preamble                                               :src:
  #+srcname: gnuplot-preamble
  #+begin_src gnuplot
    set terminal pdfcairo color size 21cm,14.8cm
    set termoption enhanced
    set termoption font "DejaVuSerif,8"
    set grid back
    set style line 1 linewidth 2 linecolor rgb 'forest-green'
    set style line 2 linewidth 2 linecolor rgb 'red'
    set label '(pp \@ 7 TeV)' at graph -0.08,1.05
    set ylabel 'K-factor'
    set xlabel 'W invariant mass (GeV)'
    set title 'K-factor = {/Symbol s}_{NLO}/{/Symbol s}_{LO}'

* HORACE K-factor
** Gnuplot source                                                       :src:
#+srcname: plot-horace-k-factor
#+begin_src gnuplot :var data=horace-kfactor-nnlo-vs-nnlo-w-scale-err
  set output "horace-kfactor.pdf"
  set label 'Standard Model W' at graph 0.5,0.67
  set xrange [0:1000]
  plot "$data" using 1:2 with linespoints linestyle 1 title 'Horace K-factor'
  set output

** K-factor with uncertainties

#+TBLNAME: horace-kfactor-nnlo-vs-nnlo-w-scale-err
| M (GeV) | K-factor |
|      50 |    1.075 |
|     150 |     1.01 |
|     250 |   0.9932 |
|     350 |   0.9778 |
|     450 |   0.9621 |
|     550 |   0.9498 |
|     650 |   0.9365 |
|     750 |   0.9253 |
|     850 |   0.9122 |
|     950 |   0.9001 |



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