Dear Christian,

many thanks for your contribution - my sentiments exactly!

Warm regards,

On 24.08.2011, at 15:00, Christian Moe wrote:

> I probably shouldn't butt into this, and I understand the technical issues 
> too poorly to offer suggestions on merging. But as a grateful user, and and a 
> semi-active participant on this list, I'd like to voice three concerns.
> 1. Org-mode maintained by someone able and happy to do it.
> We are fortunate that Bastien stepped up to take over from Carsten as 
> maintainer. Serving the Org-mode community as maintainer on a voluntary basis 
> is a major personal commitment, and requires community support, including 
> emotional backing and /helpful/ feedback. Jambunathan, please keep criticism 
> of how Bastien has handled your work constructive and to the point.
> 2. Jambunathan's excellent org-odt maintained as an integral part of Org-mode.
> Org-odt opens up Org-mode as an all-round authoring environment for users 
> like me who are expected to deliver their work in wp formats. Bastien, and 
> other core developers who may be involved, please go an extra mile if 
> necessary to make sure it will end up actively maintained as core Org.
> 3. The friendly atmosphere of this mailing list preserved.
> I think Bastien's replies around noon today are exemplary in this regard.
> Yours,
> Christian

Dr. Stefan Vollmar, Dipl.-Phys.
Head of IT group
Max-Planck-Institut für neurologische Forschung
Gleuelerstr. 50, 50931 Köln, Germany
Tel.: +49-221-4726-213  FAX +49-221-4726-298
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